Page 8 - Barrow Visitors Guide
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Bethlehem City Park
Little Town Under the Star
Established in
1796, this town
on Georgia State
Hwy. 11, 4 miles
south of Winder
and 18 miles ?City Park Pavilion
from Athens off attracts a variety of art,
attracts a variety of art,
Hwy. 316, is the craft, and food vendors,
scene of special as well as some 1,000-
2,000 people every fall!
activities every Live musical entertain-
Christmas. ment is held throughout
the day and attractions for
children make this festival
A live nativity scene is a family affair. The new
presented each year in the City Park and Pavilion
town square, sponsored is a lovely place to hold
by the First United Method- special events and is com-
ist Church of Bethlehem. plete with a full kitchen.
Thousands of
people bring their
Christmas cards to
the Bethlehem Post
Office to get the
The Bethlehem
Star Festival de-
buted in 2005 and ?Bethlehem Post Office
8 Barrow County Visitors Guide
Little Town Under the Star
Established in
1796, this town
on Georgia State
Hwy. 11, 4 miles
south of Winder
and 18 miles ?City Park Pavilion
from Athens off attracts a variety of art,
attracts a variety of art,
Hwy. 316, is the craft, and food vendors,
scene of special as well as some 1,000-
2,000 people every fall!
activities every Live musical entertain-
Christmas. ment is held throughout
the day and attractions for
children make this festival
A live nativity scene is a family affair. The new
presented each year in the City Park and Pavilion
town square, sponsored is a lovely place to hold
by the First United Method- special events and is com-
ist Church of Bethlehem. plete with a full kitchen.
Thousands of
people bring their
Christmas cards to
the Bethlehem Post
Office to get the
The Bethlehem
Star Festival de-
buted in 2005 and ?Bethlehem Post Office
8 Barrow County Visitors Guide