Page 39 - Blairsville NCG 2024
P. 39

Lake Nottely Fishing Goes National

                                                                                        Fishing champion Will Harkins
                                                                                        casts a line in his favorite
                                                                                        waters of Lake Nottely.

          W       ill Harkins of Blairsville competes in fishing   Nottely even has a dedicated fan club on Facebook aptly

                  tournaments throughout the Southeast. His home
                                                               named Lake Nottely Fishing Addiction. With more than 106
                  waters are in Lake Nottely. He is a competitor in the
          National Professional Fishing League and runs Get Fishing   miles of shoreline, some areas are developed with docks, but
                                                               much of the shoreline is natural and undeveloped with steep,
          Guide Service with a mission to inspire people to go out and   rocky banks and points. Public boat launches and boat rentals
          enjoy fishing.                                       are available from marinas along the lake’s shores.
          “My grandpa took me fishing for the first time at age three,”   The Blairsville Union County Chamber of Commerce is a major
          said Harkins, a recent graduate of Young Harris College with   sponsor of Harkins.
          a Bachelor of Economics degree. “Until I could drive, my
          grandpa and uncle would take me to the lake and fish after   “We wish Will continued success and cheer him through every
          school and on Saturdays.”                            fishing tournament, and even on the quiet days when it’s just
          Naturally, Harkins credits his bass obsession to his grandpa.   him and his fishing pole on his favorite local lake,” said Steve
          “His advice was to always look at things from a different   Rowe, Blairsville-Union County Chamber president.
          perspective. There’s more to life than what meets the eyes.
          And of course, never miss an opportunity to help someone!”  Harkins is fishing the National Professional Fishing League
                                                               this year, along with many regional and local events on Lake
          Lake Nottely is a quiet, laid-back TVA reservoir when it’s   Nottely and beyond. Will said, “I want to thank everyone for
          not hosting national or regional fishing tournaments. Lake   the support along this journey, it means the world to me!”

                                                                                                    For Blairsville area
                         Lake Nottely Facts:                                                       fishing info, please
                                                                                                     scan the code.
                         COMMON FISH   RECORD CATCHES             Elevation (full pool): 1,776 feet above sea level
                         • Rainbow Trout   17lbs, 12oz - Channel Catfish (2021)   Avg. Lake Level Fluctuation: 14 feet
                         • Crappie     11lbs, 5.6oz. - Hybrid Bass (2017)  Avg. Water Temperatures: 40°-80°F
                         • Walleye     3lbs., 1.28oz. - Black Crappie (2014)  Popular Lake Activities:
                         • Several types   11lbs., 7.52oz. - Brown Trout (2010)   Fishing, Boating, Swimming,
                           of bass     8lbs., 15.2oz. - Walleye (2007)  Shoreline Camping & Hiking

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