Page 13 - The Anchor
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IT ’ S   Y OUR

          It’s Your Chamber

                     he Brunswick-Golden Isles Chamber of Commerce will be the

                     voice of the business community, a leader among community
             T partners and an advocate for the best quality of life.

               The Brunswick-Golden Isles Chamber was incorporated

             in 1952, but our roots go all the way back to 1940 as the
                                                                                                  Meet Our Chairwoman
             Glynn County Business Council. It is a nonprofit organization                        DONNA DAVIS
             governed by a Board of Directors and includes more than
             1,200 members.

               The Chamber is committed to promoting a positive                                      We are thrilled to have a remarkable
             economic climate through the support and initiation of                               leader as our Chairwoman of the
             projects and programs created to benefit the community’s                             Brunswick-Golden Isles Chamber of
             welfare. Members and the board work together to make                                 Commerce. Donna Davis truly encompasses

             Brunswick and the Golden Isles an exceptional place in                               the definition of a community advocate
             Georgia to live, work, and visit. Becoming a member is an         and brings a wealth of experience and innovative ideas to her
             investment in your business and our community’s future.           role as our Chair. Her dedication to fostering economic growth
                                                                               and creating a vibrant business community aligns perfectly with

             OUR CORE VALUES                                                   the Chamber’s mission to drive prosperity and development
             •  Integrity – We operate in a manner displaying knowing          throughout the Brunswick-Golden Isles region.
               right from wrong and always being consistent and                  We are confident that under Donna’s guidance, the Brunswick-
               transparent in this behavior.                                   Golden Isles Chamber of Commerce will reach new heights of

             •  Result Oriented – We are accountable for asking, “What         success, fostering an environment where businesses of all sizes can
               else can I do?” to exceed near-term and long-term               thrive and contribute to the region’s economic vitality.
               expectations. We align and prioritize our actions to drive        Donna is the Director of Marketing and Business Development
               results every day.                                              for Oakbridge Insurance (formerly McGinty-Gordon & Associates)

             •  Innovative – We are constantly assessing the needs of the      where she oversees the company’s brand strategy and marketing
               business community and striving for innovative solutions        initiatives as a Top 100 Independent Agency in the U.S. Donna also
               to advance and promote a positive business climate.             represents Oakbridge and BGICOC on the Georgia Chamber of
             •  Collaborative – We have the courage to act and the             Commerce Board of Directors.

               commitment to complete each task by working with and
               inspiring others to deliver results.
             •  Passionate – Passion is at the heart of our organization.
                                                                                     Brunswick-Golden Isles
               We work hard to provide and expand opportunities within               Chamber of Commerce
               the community and to be the voice of business.

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