Page 63 - The Anchor
P. 63


                 Target Industries

                      Aerospace                    Logistics &                   Specialized                Food Industries
                                                   Distribution                Manufacturing                 & Processing

                                                                               “Your business is
                Aerospace, manufacturing, entrepreneurship, and              our best customer.”
             industries to support the Port of Brunswick are among the           ~ Golden Isles Development
                                                                                     Authority (GIDA)
             enterprises supported by GIDA. When asked why a business
             would choose Glynn County, GIDA points to the access
                                                                                           To learn more about economic
             provided by Interstate 95, ports available to move goods,
                                                                                           development opportunities in Brunswick
             workforce development programs, and the overall quality of                    and the Golden Isles, scan this QR code
                                                                                           with your mobile device.
             life afforded by the Golden Isles of Georgia.
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