Page 11 - Burke County NC
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Burke County
               Chamber of Commerce

        Growing Business. Building Community.

        What is a Chamber of Commerce?      Chamber missions vary, but generally focus on
                                            five primary goals:
               chamber of commerce is an organization   •   Building communities (regions/states/nations)
               of businesses seeking to further their   to which residents, visitors, and investors
               collective interests while advancing their   are attracted;
        A community, region, state or nation, as   •  Promoting communities;                     Gregory Jewelers
        defined by the Association of Chamber of Commerce
        Executives (ACCE). Burke County Chamber is a   •   Striving to ensure future prosperity with a
        501(c)6 tax-exempt organization just like the other   pro-business climate;
        7,500 chambers in the United States. A business-led   •   Representing the unified voice of the    and are self-funded. Independent and business
        civic and economic advancement entity operating    employer community;   volunteers make up boards and committees.
        in a specific space may call itself any number of   •   Reducing transactional friction through    Chambers emphasize thriving employers as crucial
        things – board of trade, business council, etc. – but   well-functioning networks.  for sustained prosperity of the region.
        they are all chambers of commerce.  Most chambers are led by private-sector employers   For more information, visit:

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