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Burke County

          Chamber of



                                         TONIA F. STEPHENSON, CCE     JENNA B. COLE             KARY S. GREER
                                             President & CEO    Communications & Events Specialist  Member Relations & Events Specialist

        OUR VISION is to become the premier partner, advocate,                    Contact Us:
        voice, and resource for Burke County businesses.                          110 East Meeting Street
                                                                                  Morganton, North Carolina
        Together, the work we accomplish proves that   “ The Burke County Chamber of Commerce is a valuable   Call: 828-437-3021
        business mentors, emerging leaders, outreach   resource for my business. It is important to be involved in
        volunteers — all of you —contribute to making your   the community and give back to it when you own a business.
        Chamber successful.                 I have been fortunate to meet so many new friends and
                                            business associates through all the activities of the Chamber.
        We are members of: North Carolina Chamber (NCC),   Tonia and her fantastic team really enjoy helping our
        Carolinas Association of Chambers of Commerce   businesses grow. There are many opportunities throughout
        Executives (CACCE), national Association of Chamber   the year to network and meet people, indirectly growing our   We have been in this location
        of Commerce Executives (ACCE), and the US Chamber   own business. We appreciate the hard work of these ladies   since purchasing the former
        of Commerce (USCC). Operating income is generated   who put on so many activities for our community.”   First National Bank of Catawba
        by membership dues (65%) and special events (35%).     - Kelly Bowers-Messenheimer, Bowers Agency,    building in 1986.
        All funds generated by the Chamber are re-invested to   Nationwide Insurance
        support our mission.

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