Page 33 - Coffee County Board of Education - Recruitment Brochure
P. 33

Know Your Worth:

        More than a Motto

         “I Matter. You Matter. We Matter.
       – Your life has meaning, you are worthy
                of all things that are good. Stand
                 strong in who you are and know
                            that your life matters!”

                       – Know Your Worth Campaign Motto

           The “Know Your Worth”   was deeply affected by the
        campaign began in Coffee   sudden loss of students to
        County after the community   suicide, along with the Family
        was affected by the sudden   Connection Collaborative pulled
        suicides of multiple young   the school community together
        people in the 2018-2019 school   with
        year. Families lost their children;   the faith community. Over    school students were selected   suicide prevention, it covers so
        young people lost their friends;   50 representatives from    as student ambassadors to   much more. It can be applied
        teachers lost their students. The   the school system, mental   share stories and not only   to anything. Within the Family
        whole county felt how tragic   health organizations, Coffee   persuade but to show the   Connection Collaborative, their
        it was for people so young, so   Regional Hospital, churches,    students at the schools that   work is focused on issues in the
        full of promise, with their whole   the Department of Juvenile   suicide is a lie because their    community like the graduation
        futures ahead of them, to take   Justice, the City of Douglas,    life is worth living.  rate, child abuse and neglect,
        their own lives.           and many others attended the                         among other relevant issues.
           In the face of these terrible   first meeting.     Student Ambassadors       Currently they are working to
        events, the leadership of      Together, the representatives      There are big plans for   reduce teen risky behavior. During
        Coffee County Schools and   helped to develop the ideas   “Know Your Worth” moving   the annual Red Ribbon Week
                                                                                        Campaign, the traditional red
                                                              forward. One of the most
        Family Connection Program,   for a campaign against the   important aspects of the   ribbons were custom made to say
        knew that something had to be   forces of depression and self-  campaign today are the student   Know Your Worth: Don’t Do Drugs.
        done, and knew that it needed   doubt that were leading to the   ambassadors. There is a group
        to involve more than just the   suicides. From this meeting   of approximately 30 students
        faculty and staff of the schools.   the CHAMP initiative was   from the high school that are
        The school system has an   developed. The acronym stands   good ambassadors to spread   The Program Grows
        active crisis response team   for Courage, Help, Adaptability,   the ‘Know Your Worth’ message.   What started at as one-week
        made up of school counselors,   Motivation, and Perseverance.   Student ambassadors advocate   program turned into an ongoing
        psychologists, social workers,                        for themselves and have a    campaign, supported by multiple
                                                                                           community organizations,
        and other student support staff.    The Campaign Begins  voice, and they really do a    including churches that have
        However, they needed more      The campaign took off   good job of it. They give input   helped bring in well-known
        help than the school system   using the motto “Know Your   and suggestions for rallies    motivational speakers to come
        could handle alone.        Worth” and the ideas of the   or movies or the events that    and talk to students. In addition
                                   CHAMP initiative. Videos were   are planned.            to public speakers, “Know Your
                                                                                           Worth” has also organized
        First Steps                produced depicting community                            many events in the community
           The school system       members sharing their personal   Program Expansion      designed to help bolster
        leadership along with the Family   experiences with suicide and      While the Know Your Worth   students’ feelings of self-worth.
        Connection Collaborative   shown at the high school. High   initiative was founded on

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