Page 30 - Coffee County Board of Education - Recruitment Brochure
P. 30

ESPLOST                                                                     UPDATE

                          In the early 1990s, Coffee             memory of Mr. Ronnie Johnson,   students throughout his career.
                          County Schools began its               who served as a proud member   Students can now take care of
                                                                 of the Coffee County Board
                                                                                            their animals within the facility
                     first campaign to promote the               of Education District 1 from   and host numerous events
                     approval of a Special Purpose               January 1, 1999, until his   through FFA.
                                                                 passing in March of 2017.
                             Local Option Sales Tax.             Anyone who knew Mr. Johnson    The Clayton W. Mathis
                  What is ESPLOST? The education SPLOST or       knew he was passionate about   Performing Arts Center and
                    1% sales tax for education, shares the cost   children of all ages and always   John M. Maley Auditorium
                   of educational facilities and equipment with   wanted what was best for them   on the campus of Coffee
                 visitors and citizens, not just property owners.   to excel in their educational   High School officially opened
                                                                 career. He was also a true   January 2021. A 49,000-square-
                                                                 supporter of Trojan Athletics
                                                                 and understood the important
                                                                 relationship between athletics
                                                                 and academics. Mr. Johnson
                                                                 loved Friday nights in the fall,
                                                                 and he could often be found in
                                                                 the south end zone at Jardine
                                                                 Stadium cheering for the Coffee
                                                                 Trojans. A Trojan through and
                                                                 through, Mr. Johnson was an
                                                                 alumnus of Coffee High and he
                                                                 loved Coffee Trojan Football.

                                                                   A new facility for Nicholls
                                                                 Elementary School was
                                                                 completed in 2018. With the
                                                                 original school constructed in
                                                                 1909, the staff, students and
               Throughout the past 25 years      Nearing completion on   community of Nicholls are   foot facility, complete with full
            as SPLOST campaigns have   ESPLOST IV, the district is proud   overwhelmed with their new   dressing rooms, a black box
            been overwhelmingly approved   of its most recent projects   state-of-the-art building.   theatre, and seating for 900,
            by the citizens of Coffee County,   thanks to the funds that                    this state-of-the-art facility
            the 1% sales tax has provided   have been collected within    The official ribbon cutting for   will house every avenue of the
            the school district the ability   Coffee County.     the Billy Walker Agriculture   arts – drama, dance, theater,
            to build and improve school                          Education Center on the    art, choral, and instrumental
            facilities, purchase school    The Ronnie Johnson Athletic   campus of Coffee Middle   music. It is a facility for which
            buses, additional technology,   Field House was dedicated   School was held on April 24,   the community is proud.
            and provide state-of-the-art   October 2017. Located at Dan   2017. Mr. Walker served as an   Coffee County has a true love
            safety equipment for all    A. Jardine Stadium, the Athletic   agriculture teacher for over   of the arts in both theatre and
            school campuses.           Field House was named in   25 years and touched many   fine arts through the Coffee

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