Page 26 - Coffee County Board of Education - Recruitment Brochure
P. 26
• Replace all
network switches
• Replace all analog camera
systems with IP-based
network cameras
• Replace staff computers,
as needed
• Install interactive projector/
magnetic whiteboard
system in schools
• Continue to replace student
devices, as needed
The Coffee County School wireless access points being access to the Google suite
System strives to provide installed at all locations. of applications, including
Classrooms in every school
GMail, for students and staff.
students and staff with the tools are equipped with digital data With the transition to Google,
and resources needed to learn projectors and interactive Chromebooks became the
and work in our connected world. whiteboards connected to the standard computing device
teachers’ workstations. The
for students. During school
Our network is among the fastest in the state, with a new Nicholls Elementary School shutdowns, the district makes
full 10 Gbps Wide Area Network (WAN) connecting and Coffee High School have these Chromebooks available
each campus over dedicated fiber optics. classroom audio/video systems to students for home use to
from Audio Enhancement,
This high-speed WAN connections to the Internet. which provide video cameras continue classroom instruction
supports all network- The district uses a variety of and microphones for teachers via virtual learning.
connected devices, including funding sources to provide to use when teaching and The Coffee County School
desktop computers, tablets, and maintain these network recording instructional video System understands the vital
laptops, Chromebooks, connections, including for students. role that technology serves in
printers, telephones, and federal E-rate funds and local Coffee County Schools teaching, learning, and working.
security cameras. ESPLOST funds. The district partnered with Google in We believe that technology will
Over 2200 Mbps of is currently upgrading its 2014 to become a G Suite never replace teaching, but it
connectivity is available to network infrastructure, with for Education district. This is a tool that can help make
provide safe and reliable new network switches and partnership provides full teaching more effective.