Page 21 - Coffee County Board of Education - Recruitment Brochure
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moves forward into the future, these accomplishments
administrators, counselors, and alongside students and
teachers look for additional teachers. FBLA members, FFA
ways to help pave a path members, FCCLA members,
to student success. Each athletes, band members, chorus
day the entire faculty works members, ROTC cadets, and
collaboratively to help students literary competitors -- all are an
reach destination graduation important part of Coffee High
for college, career, and life School. They compete in region,
and meet the challenges of state, and national competitions
the 21st century. and many bring home region,
state, and national offices
Academic Excellence and titles.
Coffee High School has a
history of academic excellence. Educator Recognition
Seventeen AP courses are The accomplishments of
offered to students in grades Coffee High teachers serve
10 through 12. Over the past as another source of pride for
five years, 64 students have the school and community.
been named AP Scholars and Mrs. Cathy Latham was named
130 were named Zell Miller Georgia Economics Teacher
Scholars. In addition, over the of the Year in 2019, and Mrs.
past seven years, 216 students Julie Lord was named the 2020
have been chosen as STEAM Georgia Secondary Art Teacher
interns, which exposes them of the Year. In addition, Mrs.
to an extensive application and Brandy Barlow was named the
interview process, along with 2020 Georgia Business Teacher
invaluable training through of the Year, and Mr. Steve Myers
their internships. was recently inducted into
Phi Beta Mu, an international
Student Accomplishment bandmasters fraternity. Coffee
Coffee High School takes High’s Michael Berry was
pride in the accomplishments
of its students and faculty, and named Young Farmer Advisor
these accomplishments are a of the Year in 2020. These
primary reason it is great to be honors and awards represent
a Coffee High student or faculty only a small number of the
member. The community shares accomplishments of Coffee
in this pride and celebrates High faculty members.