Page 22 - Coffee County Board of Education - Recruitment Brochure
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         Wir                                                  ass                             Recent


                                                                                              •   Graduation Rate of 96.3% -
                                                                                                WRCCA’s highest yet
            Regional College                                     a variety of exciting courses   •   Showing improvement in
                                                                                                two recent areas of focus –
            & Career Academy                                     and career pathways in high-   Literacy & Attendance
                                                                 demand fields. Georgia’s Dual
                                                                 Enrollment Program allows    •   Only secondary school in
                                                                                                Coffee County to receive a
                706 W. Baker Highway,   efforts of school and industry   students to earn both high   5-star climate rating – based
            Suite A, Douglas, GA 31533   partners, Wiregrass Georgia   school and college credit   on a survey completed by
                                                                                                staff, students, and parents
                       912-389-6851    Technical College, and Coffee   simultaneously at no charge for   •   College and Career Ready
        County School System, the   tuition, fees, or books. Students   Performance Index (CCRPI)
                                                                 enrolled with WRCCA have the
            Wiregrass Regional College and                           increased by 8 points
                                       Career Academy has become    opportunity to align their high
               The Wiregrass Regional   a reality.               school and college courses
            College and Career Academy      WRCCA is a place where   to get a jump start on the path
            is an innovative, non-traditional   students participate in   to a career.      and education, and industrial
            school where approximately   rigorous, self-paced academics      Because Wiregrass Regional   systems technology.
            200 students in grades 9-12   with career-based learning   College and Career Academy      Diploma Programs
            can choose to experience   opportunities. Through online,   believes every student    in accounting, business
            successful learning in a small   self-paced, interactive computer   deserves an exceptional   management, business
            group, career-oriented setting.    lessons facilitated by a certified   education, they offer increased   technology, cosmetology,
                                                                                            criminal justice technology,
            With help from certified   teacher, students complete all   learning opportunities by   early childhood care and
            teachers, students learn using   required courses for graduation.   introducing new technologies,   education, industrial systems
            computer-based curriculum    At WRCCA students have   quality curriculum, and   technology, and welding.
            and instruction.           access to more individualized   pathways to advancement       TCC Programs include
               Goal five of the Coffee   instruction, and they can set   and higher education.  child development specialist,
            County School System       their own personalized learning                      criminal justice specialist,
            Strategic Plan states that   goals. Focus is on earning   Programs offered at   early childhood program
            high school graduates will be   credits and being prepared for   the Wiregrass Georgia   administration, electrical
            ready for college, career, and   college or the workforce.    Technical College    maintenance technician,
                                                                 Campus include:
                                                                                            electrical technician, healthcare
            life itself. This goal called for      Through WRCCA’s      Degree Programs in   assistant, healthcare science,
            the creation of a college and   partnership with Wiregrass   accounting, business   patient care assisting,
            career academy to ensure   Georgia Technical College and   management, business   power and infrastructure
            that graduates are college and   South Georgia State College,   technology, criminal justice   specialist, technical specialist,
            career ready. Through combined   students can choose from   technology, early childhood care   and welding.

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