Page 23 - Coffee County Board of Education - Recruitment Brochure
P. 23
Coffee Education Academy
The purpose of the Coffee program serves grades K-12 in paraprofessionals, a part-time Campus Suspension Program.”
Education Academy is to help the district through a holistic social worker, a case manager, This program is established
students improve their self- approach that focuses on and external counseling to serve students who would
discipline and self-esteem, student behavior, academics, services from area agencies. normally be suspended for
so that when they return to and grades. This cohesive professional violating rules set forth in the
their home school, they will be The success of Coffee team provides students with Student Handbook at both the
better prepared to accept the Education Academy is rooted opportunities and positive middle and high school levels.
challenges of earning their within the dedication and reinforcements to enhance
high school diploma. Positive commitment of staff members’ student achievement for a The parent and student may be
Behavior Intervention Support encouragement and support student’s successful transition given the option of placement
(PBIS) is the framework that of student achievement. The back to their assigned school into this program to prevent
is utilized to help students staff is comprised of the Also housed at the Coffee absenteeism and loss of credit
reach behavioral goals. The principal, six teachers, three Education Academy is the “Off for schoolwork.
As A Profession
Coffee County Schools is concerned, as profession through its initiative Profession Pathway well
is much of the nation, with the current in “growing our own” future prepared me for entering
educators. The TAP pathway
college,” Carver says. “My
teaching shortage in every subject area. provides focused coursework journey has come full circle, and
Among the myriad of factors driving this shortage, fewer and meaningful experiential I couldn’t be happier to prepare
learning to affirm the values
college students are majoring in education at every level. my students today for their
of education as a profession.
Students within the pathway future as potential educators.”
Potentially lucrative Service and Education academy, Prior to their entry into
careers in private industries which includes the Teaching as in grades 10-12 learn about Coffee High, the district’s
are luring college-educated a Profession (TAP) pathway. teaching opportunities and 9th graders attend George
mathematicians and scientists The pathway has been in place even serve in an apprenticeship
away from teaching while for many years, and is even working with dedicated local Washington Carver Freshman
English, history, and foreign more prevalent in the 2020- professionals at all levels. Campus where the Freshman
language majors are often 2021 school year with the Tara Blankenship Carver, an Seminar course promotes the
steered into careers in areas creation of the new wall-to-wall alumnus of Coffee High and exploration and identification
that they believe will pay more academies on the campus of current educator, now oversees of students’ strengths and
upon graduation. Additionally, Coffee High School, an initiative the TAP and Early Childhood interests that will guide them
fewer students are pursuing that grew from the school Education Pathway in which she into one the high school’s four
education as a career, fearing system’s most recent five-year was once a student. Carver says academies: Fine Arts, Business
long-term student loan debt. strategic plan. the program prepared her well
In Coffee County, however, The school system has for postsecondary achievement and Information Technology;
current educators are working historically made strong and inspired her to pursue a Engineering, Agriculture and
hard to cultivate the next efforts to persuade high career as an educator. Mechanics; Health and Human
generation of teachers through school students that teaching “I can honestly and proudly Services; and Public Service
Coffee High Schools Public is a necessary and valuable say that the Teaching as a and Education.