Page 35 - Carroll County NCG 2019
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The Greenbelt combines transportation and Investment in infrastructure is paramount Adventure and Conservation
recreation, which serves the community as populations rise, and Villa Rica has are a Family Affair at this
by encouraging exercise and providing a fortified its foundation by updating and One-of-a-Kind Country Inn
healthy alternative to the stress caused from expanding the water and wastewater
crowded streets. The 18 miles of path is built facilities and installing sidewalks, which Hidden in the woods just off Highway 16
for pedestrians and non-motorized users. made this a “walking city.”In addition to in Whitesburg, Mike and Donna Holder,
Cruiser bikes docked at stations along the MILL, the city’s gorgeous amphitheater, and their four kids, have turned an historic
the Greenbelt encourage people to leave Villa Rica has many wonderful greenspace property on Snake Creek Gorge into a
the car behind, rent a bike and explore the and recreational resources. Gold Dust Park destination for thoughtful escape, both
Greenbelt. Carrollton is recognized as a features baseball fields, walking trails and tranquil and exciting. The Holders bought
Bicycle Friendly Community by the League tennis, while 130-acre Lamar Moody the land in 1998 in an area that was
of American Bicyclists. Park includes an eight-acre lake and small once home to the Creek and Cherokee
stocked fishing pond. For community
Connects Neighborhoods with: events and recreation, the “City of Gold” is nations, and began what is now
4 City School Campus equipped with the Villa Rica Civic Center Historic Banning Mills.
4 University of West Georgia and Sports Complex, known as the V-Plex, Boundless adventures accompany a stay
4 City Parks which includes nine lighted softball and at the Mills: nature trails, an Olympic-sized
4 Commercial Shopping Areas baseball fields. swimming pool, a catch-and-release fishing
lake, and much more. For the thrill-seeker
VILLA RICA Carroll County is full of opportunity, and it or group looking for the ultimate in aerial
A Study in Growth, Infrastructure, comes with great responsibility to ensure adventures, the Mills offers an array of
and Greenspace smart growth for its existing and future treetop features including the Screaming
Between 2000 and 2016, the population residents. Each of Carroll County’s seven Eagle Zip Line Canopy Tour, which is
of Villa Rica more than tripled. New and municipalities serves as a great example Guinness World Records-certified as the
expanding industries continue to bring in to the area’s understanding of what makes longest and largest continuous eco
new jobs and inspire residential growth. a place a home. Exceptional recreation zip line canopy tour in the world.
Villa Rica and its leadership strive to attract programs and facilities, greenspace and
industry while improving quality of life. The appropriate infrastructure are just a few The Holders have created a sanctuary from
result is that local, national and international ways Villa Rica and Carroll County show the daily grind where the whole family can
business have found happy homes in Villa their commitment to the community and put down the devices and enjoy.
Rica, and so have their employees. each resident’s quality of life. ~by Bonnie Hunter
Carroll County Chamber of Commerce | 770-832-2446 31