Page 43 - Carroll County NCG 2021
P. 43

Balancing Industrial Growth and Agricultural Roots

        Small-town charm and rural      Carroll County continues to maintain
        opportunities still thrive in Carroll   appropriate space to ease growing
        County, despite the significant   pains, but not without strategy and
        population growth of about 36 percent   foresight. By encouraging growth
        in the last 20 years. County and   through incentives in selected
        municipal leaders have worked to   areas and protecting farmland and
        strike a balance between population   greenspace, this area can continue
        and commercial growth and the   to deliver the best of all worlds –
        need for community greenspaces   opportunity and tradition, stability
        and agricultural land, which they   and expansion, business and nature –
        accomplish in part because of the   without losing its authenticity.
        county’s large physical area.

                                        Key Agriculture Values
                                        4  Ag & Nature-based Tourism Value:
                                           $4.97 million
                                        4 Turfgrass Value: $6.86 million
                                        4 Beef Cows: $8.76 million
                                        4 Total Livestock: $22.27 million
                                        4 Broiler Chickens: $66.44 million
                                        4 Total Value - $126.55 million
                                        Source: UGA Center for Agribusiness and
                                        Development, Farm Gate Report, 2019

      Carroll County Chamber of Commerce                                                                  | 770-832-2446  39
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