Page 45 - Carroll County NCG 2021
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Founded in 2001, Carroll Tomorrow Since 2001, Carroll Tomorrow has:
is a 501(c)(3) public-private 4 Brought to Carroll County approximately
partnership focused on: 10,000 jobs, $1.5 billion in
4 Supporting the expansion capital investment, and $330
plans of existing businesses million in new payroll
4 Attracting new business 4 Incubated 84 businesses,
investment creating nearly 800 jobs and
4 Convening leaders and $70 million in capital investment
organizations to create and 4 Hosted more than 20,000 visitors
deliver programs that enhance for over 3,100 seminars, expos,
quality of life and programs
During the second half of 2020, Carroll Chamber. “Our community’s leadership
Tomorrow convened key public and has made the decision to seize every
private sector leaders and developed a opportunity for health, wealth, and
new, multi-year strategic plan focused on prosperity for the people of Carroll County.”
driving economic prosperity and taking our
Grow Businesses and Jobs
community to the next level. “We have set
Research and assessment have indicated
our sights very high with this new plan,”
significant growth opportunities in Carroll
said JR Charles, Vice President of Economic County – especially near the I-20 corridor.
Development for Carroll Tomorrow and the Access to the busy east-west thoroughfare is
Carroll County Chamber of Commerce | 770-832-2446 41