Page 35 - Clayton Newcomers Guide 2022
P. 35
Expanding Opportunities in Clayton County
I n Clayton County, education is with 90 different ethnicities and countries • CCPS is advancing learning for
The school district is highly diversified
all students by expanding access
a challenging and rewarding
represented. Seventy-two (72) different
exploration and discovery process
to accelerated mathematics,
that prepares students for the
enrollment to enhance students’
workforce, for life, and for changing the languages are spoken, with Spanish and Advanced Placement, and dual
Vietnamese the two major languages other
world for the better. From pre-K to doctoral than English. The district is proud to have preparation for college.
studies, Clayton County offers nationally high schools consistently ranked among • Ninety-five percent (95%) of
recognized public schools, public charter the best in Georgia as published by the the district’s Career, Technical and
schools and many institutions of higher U.S. News and World Report. Agricultural Education (CTAE) pathway
learning to help the community build a CCPS is committed to ensuring its high students graduate from high
better tomorrow. school graduates can live and compete school. This demonstrates that CCPS
successfully in a global society. This
commitment is observable in myriad ways:
Clayton County Public Schools
• The Clayton County Board of
Clayton County Public Schools Education is dedicated to being a
(CCPS) is fully accredited by Cognia. governing body that leads by
Serving more than 50,000 students, example. This commitment has
Clayton County Public Schools is ranked been demonstrated through its
among the 100 largest school districts focused involvement in the Georgia
in the U.S. and is the fifth-largest school School Boards Association’s (GSBA)
system in Georgia. Board Recognition program. The
The system has 39 primary/elementary Clayton County Board of Education
schools, 16 middle schools, 12 high schools, earned its first Exemplary status,
one alternative education center, one the highest recognition awarded by With more than 50,000
psychological education center, and the GSBA, in 2015. It has achieved this students, Clayton County Public
one multi-purpose education center. level of distinction every year since. Schools is the fifth-largest
Included in this number are five school- • District and school leadership
wide magnet schools, 12 magnet continues to raise the level of rigor school system in Georgia and
programs, one state-certified STEM and expectation to enhance the ranks among the 100 largest
program, one Cognia-certified STEM academic performance of students school districts in the U.S.
program, and two International and the on-the-job performance
Baccalaureate Candidate schools. of CCPS employees.
33 • (678) 610-4021 EDUCATION