Page 36 - Clayton Newcomers Guide 2022
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Charter Schools
                                                                                   Utopian Academy for the Arts is
                                                                                a free, high-performing, public charter
                                                                                school network that serves elementary,
                                                                                middle, and high school students in Clayton
                                                                                County. In 2018, Utopian Academy’s
                                                                                middle school overall performance was
                                                                                higher than 78 percent of Georgia public
                                                                                schools and its students’ academic growth
                                                                                outpaced 99 percent of the state’s schools.
                                                                                Between fall 2020 and spring 2021
                                                                                administrations of the MAP Assessment,
                                                                                Utopian Academy’s elementary students
                                                                                showed a 29 percent growth in reading
                                                                                and a 15 percent growth in math. In 2021,
                                                                                Utopian Academy’s middle school was
                                                                                one of 17 schools (35 total state charter
                                                                                schools) that outperformed on the State
                                                                                Charter School Commission’s Content
                                             CLAYTON STATE UNIVERSITY           Mastery Scores.
                                                                                   With strong successes of its elementary
                                                                                and middle school programs, the Utopian
                                                                                Academy for the Arts was approved to
                                                                                expand to add a third school in Clayton
             is cultivating the ultimate classroom-       journalism camp, designing   County, the Utopian Academy for the
             to-career experiences by aligning        Smart Cities, engaging in farm-to-table   Arts High School. The high school, which
             work-based learning and career        experiences, and more.       will initially serve 150 students in ninth
             pathways to industry demands to                                    and tenth grade during the 2022-23
             increase graduates’ ability to secure      The district’s ambitious construction   school year, will grow a grade each year,
             high-skill, high-wage, and high-  initiative, funded in part by Special Purpose   eventually serving 550 students in ninth
             demand careers.                Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) dollars,   through 12th grade in the 2024-25
           • CCPS has a thriving K-12 Fine Arts   includes an arena/graduation facility on   school year.
             program and a state-of-the-art   property at Southlake Mall in Morrow. The      Utopian Academy for the Arts is
             Performing Arts Center (PAC) that   program focuses on two key improvement   the only public charter school network
             provides a stage for the community   needs for our community and its children.   in Georgia to offer a comprehensive
             and schools and provides a venue for   Plans include the construction of Early   educational program in the dramatic,
             the performance of our Fine Arts   Childhood Learning Centers to address the   media, and culinary arts. Its educational
             Magnet programs which include Kay   instructional needs for Clayton County’s   model leverages the positive effects of arts
             R. Pace Elementary School of the Arts,   pre-kindergarten population. Also, the   education to engage and inspire students,
             M.D. Roberts Middle School of the   district will construct a future-ready college   develop their academic and artistic
             Arts, and M.E. Stilwell School of   and career academy that will create a   potential, and prepare them to be leaders
             the Arts.                      work-ready pipeline to help drive economic   in their communities. The course catalog
                                                                                includes: animation, broadcast and video
           • The district’s School Choice program   growth locally and beyond. The district   production, chorus, coding, culinary arts,
             affords parents the opportunity to                                 dance, film and television, journalism, music
             apply to schools that reflect the   continues its efforts to refine and expand   appreciation, music production, piano, and
             individual needs, interests, and talents   all strategies that will graduate students on   visual arts.
             of their children. Some of the   time, college and career ready.   2750 Forest Pkwy.
             programs include: Dual Immersion      Stakeholders can stay in touch with   Ellenwood, GA 30294
             [Spanish], Early College and Magnet   the school district through YouTube Live   (470) 446-1070
             programs, Cambridge Assessment   presentations, podcasts, Twitter posts,
             International Education, STEM   Facebook chats, Critical Conversations,
             (Science, Technology, Engineering   Real Talk sessions, the postings on
             and Mathematics), and others.  the district’s website, programming on   Colleges & Universities
           • Learning extends into the summer   Educational Access Cable Channel 24, and      Clayton State University serves
             with the district’s highly acclaimed   email communications.       the south metro Atlanta area and enrolls
             K-12 Summer STEM Camps, which   1058 Fifth Ave.                    nearly 7,000 students. Clayton State
             include opportunities for summer   Jonesboro, GA 30236             offers students engaging and experiential
             internships, coding and robotics,   (770) 473-2700                 learning experiences in a supportive
             programming and flying drones,                 environment that values diversity and

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