Page 13 - Clemson Area Chamber Community Guide
P. 13

known for its recreational options,   pulling together to accomplish needed     Six Mile incorporated in 1910. The     The Six Mile community gathers
        such as having Clemson University’s   goals, including a water system and fire   community was chiefly a farming   for annual events including Memorial
        “home” disc golf course, and seven   department. Six Mile also prides itself   community until World War II when   Day, Independence Day, Christmas
        miles of trails for mountain biking.  that three of four Pickens County, South   many men went overseas to fight and   celebrations, and the Community Trick
          Central recently became part of the                                   still others moved to bigger cities to   or Treat. The downtown has a weekly
                                            Carolina Medal of Honor recipients are
        Main Street South Carolina program.                                     obtain jobs. Historical sites in Six Mile   farmer’s market beginning in the spring.
                                            from the Six Mile area.
        Through a combination of community                                      include Dr. Peek’s hospital and nursing   The Issaqueena Festival, the largest
                                              Six Mile’s Main Street approximates
        engagement, market analysis, and                                        school downtown and the nearby      event of the year, is on the 3rd Saturday
                                            a section of the Cherokee Trading
        organizational positioning, Central                                     Issaqueena Bombing Range.           of each May.
                                            Path. On land that once belonged to
        will establish a series of key, market-
                                            the Cherokee Nation, Six Mile was
        driven strategies designed to elevate
                                            signed over to South Carolina in a
        and focus the community’s resources
                                            treaty in 1777. Around the year 1800,
        and capacity on building a sustainable,
        competitive advantage downtown.     Scots-Irish, Dutch-German, and English
                                            pioneers gradually began moving in,
        Six Mile                            clearing the land, and planting crops.
          The small town of Six Mile is known   Descendants of the original settlers still
        for its tradition and neighborly charm.   populate the town along with many new
        The town has a history of residents   residents as well.

                                                                                                                            Six Mile Townhall

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