Page 33 - Clemson Area Chamber Community Guide
P. 33

Area                                                             of upcoming events, tours, and exhibitions.   Heritage and History at Hagood Mill

                                                                                Also, look forward to the Black Heritage Trail,
                                                                                                                      One of the most charming sites in the
              Attractions                                                       214 Butler St.                      of Pickens, SC. There is something for everyone
                                                                                                                    Clemson Area is Hagood Mill, three miles north
                                                                                coming in 2026.
                                                                                                                    at this historic site. See the historic mill operate
                                                                                Clemson, SC 29631
                                                                                                                    every third Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., at the
                                                                                (864) 654-2944
                                                                                Woodburn Historic House             Folklife Festivals. The site is also home to
                                                                                                                    historic cabins, a blacksmith shop, a moonshine
                                                                                  Built in 1830, Woodburn is a 19th century   still, and a cotton gin. Visitors may also see
                                                                                plantation home furnished with antebellum   prehistoric petroglyphs and an amazing
                                                                                antiques and family artifacts. Run by the   collection of Native American art and artifacts
                                                                                Pendleton Historic Foundation, the house   in the Hagood Creek Petroglyph Site. Hagood
                                                                                features a pair of stunning wraparound   Mill hosts group tours, field trips, and live
                                                                                porches on two stories and offers several   music, and can be reserved for special events
                                                                                outbuildings to explore beyond the home.   and weddings. The site is open Wednesday-
                                                                                Visitors will also find an educational walking   Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., and can be visited any
                                                                                trail in the tree line. The home is open by   day during daylight hours to take advantage of
                                                                                                                    its walking trails and disc golf course.
                                                                                appointment only. Please call or email to book   138 Hagood Mill Rd.
                                                                                a tour.
        Central Railway Museum              merchant’s house and stroll through the   130 History Ln., Pendleton, SC 29670  Pickens, SC 29671
          As the largest model train museum in   garden that features heritage roses, historic   (864) 646-7249     (864) 898-2936
        Upstate South Carolina, the Central Railway   flowers and plants, sculptures, and benches.
        Museum educates and inspires people of all   416 Church St., Central, SC 29630  Bart Garrison Agricultural Museum
        ages to share a love of trains and promotes the   (864) 639-2156                                            of South Carolina
        understanding and enjoyment of America’s  Ashtabula Historic Home       The Agricultural Museum’s exhibits, classes,
        railroad heritage. The museum includes a   Museum/294986763984727         Ashtabula is a charming two-story   workshops, and demonstrations interpret
        “heritage” layout in classic toy train scales as                        clapboard house, built in 1825 and situated on   and preserve the heritage of agriculture and
        well as a G scale layout and a large, dual-level   Clemson Area African    Highway 88 approximately three miles east   its importance in our daily lives. Exhibits at
        HO layout that recreates rail systems of   American Museum              of Pendleton. Run by the Pendleton Historic   the museum focus not only on the history
        western South Carolina and Georgia during     The Clemson Area African American   Foundation, the house is decorated with   of agriculture, but how that legacy affects
        the 1950s transition from steam to diesel.  Museum (CAAAM) is one of the City of                            modern and future agricultural practices and
        108 Werner St.                      Clemson’s leading cultural institutions and the   antebellum furniture. On the grounds, visitors   healthy living. The museum is open Thursday-
        Central, SC 29630                   only African American museum in Pickens   will find a brick annex that dates back to the   Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
        (864) 508-7126        County devoted to local African American   1790s and was once used as an inn and tavern   120 History Ln.
                                            history in Upstate South Carolina. Housed in   for weary travelers in the Upstate. The home is   Pendleton, SC 29670
        Central History Museum and Garden   what was once the Calhoun Colored School,   open by appointment only. Please call or email   (864) 646-7271
          The Jessie and Jennie Morgan house and   CAAAM explores the rich and vibrant   to book a tour.
        its contents serve as headquarters for the   history of African Americans through the   2725 Old Greenville Hwy.  Train Spotting
        Central Historical Society and as the Central   presentation of exhibitions, tours, educational   Pendleton, SC 29630  The Central Railway Museum (in the town of
        History Museum. The home was built in 1893   programs, and workshops dealing with  Central) is heaven for model train enthusiasts. The
        by Jeptha and Minnie Morgan, owners of a   culture, education, politics, sports, military,   (864) 646-7249    classic toy train display will get your steam up!
        local mercantile store. Tour a small-town   and more. Check out the website for a listing

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