Page 35 - Clemson Area Chamber Community Guide
P. 35

Fort Hill National Historic Landmark  Historic Hanover House (c. 1716)
                                                                                  Fort Hill was home to John C. Calhoun     Hanover House, built in 1716 for French
                                                                                and Thomas G. Clemson. Politician Calhoun   Huguenot Paul de St. Julien in Berkeley
                                                                                served as Congressman; Secretary of War;   County, SC, is one of South Carolina’s oldest
                                                                                Vice President to John Quincy Adams; Vice   wooden residences. The St. Julien and
                                                                                President to Andrew Jackson; Secretary   Ravenel family home was threatened with
                                                                                of State; and Senator. John and Floride’s   flooding by Lake Moultrie in 1941. The Historic
                                                                                daughter, Anna Maria Calhoun, married   American Buildings Survey of the Santee-
                                                                                Thomas Clemson at Fort Hill in 1838. Thomas   Cooper basin noted that Hanover was of
                                                                                G. Clemson was a scientist, mining engineer,   national significance. Hanover was preserved
                                                                                diplomat to Belgium, and superintendent of   at Clemson University, home to the state’s
                                                                                agriculture. Thomas Clemson willed that Fort   architectural school. It was relocated to the
                                                                                Hill “shall always be open for the inspection of   South Carolina Botanical Garden in 1994,
         Alone or in Tandem
                                                                                visitors” as a museum. The antebellum main   now overlooking a vegetable garden. Hanover
         Fants Grove (Twin Lakes) Mountain Bike
                                                                                house and outbuildings are restored with   House is restored as a monument of early
         Trails take the beginner or the veteran biker
                                                                                original furnishings interpreting plantation   French Huguenot colonial architecture. The
         around beautiful Lake Hartwell. Head to
                                                                                life and the African American experience.   museum interprets life at a Lowcountry South
         Anderson, SC and hop on.
                                                                                Fort Hill is open for self-guided tours utilizing   Carolina rice plantation. Hanover House is
                                                                                interpretive exhibits, brochures and QR    currently open for weekday tours only. It is
        Stumphouse Tunnel and               construction to a halt. It stands today as a   code phone app. It is closed on all home   closed on all home football game Saturdays
        Issaqueena Falls                    monument to the efforts of pre-Civil War   football games on Saturdays and the   and the weekend after Thanksgiving.
          The 1,617-foot-long Stumphouse Tunnel   engineering. It was also the curing location   weekend after Thanksgiving.  113 Hanover Cir.
        was started in 1852 by the Blue Ridge   for the famous Clemson Blue Cheese. Down   520 Fort Hill St.        Clemson, SC 29634
        Railroad to connect Charleston to Knoxville   a gentle, graveled path a short distance is   Clemson, SC 29634  (864) 656-2241
        and eventually on to Cincinnati. The   Issaqueena Falls, a beautiful waterfall with a   (864) 656-2475
        Civil War – and lack of funds – brought   wooden lookout platform and a picnic shelter.  hanover

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