Page 20 - Columbus VG 2020
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Ma Rainey Home
a period kitchen garden, urban
slave cabin, and Columbus
history exhibit. Admission is
$5 for adults, $1 for students.
Also take a driving tour of the
Columbus Historic District, the
High Uptown area and parts
of the Black Heritage Trail;
buses must be provided by the
group and Historic Columbus
will provide the step-on guide
for $5 per person. All tours by
appointment only.
716 Broadway
NOSTALGIA IN Also pick up a Black Heritage 706.322.0756
A BOX Visitors Guide at the Visitors
Browse the proclaimed Center to see 26 sites of
largest collection of antique, Columbus’ African-American
metal lunchboxes in the world at historical and social importance, “We love the Tour of Homes”
the Lunchbox Museum included and learn more about Ma
in River Market Antiques’ Rainey, as well as Corporal
largest, finest collection of Eugene Bullard, the world’s first
antiques, collectibles, classic black combat aviator, Horace
automobiles, flea market finds, King, a former slave and master
and specialty cars. bridge builder, and many others.
3218 Hamilton Rd. 805 5th Ave.
706.653.6240 706.653.4960
706.332.6378 Parks/MA-Rainey-Home 9 THE ADDRESS FOR
“The lunchbox museum will bring “If you love History or the Blues
back so many memories” you have to stop by to visit.” RIVER MARKET ANTIQUES
3218 Hamilton Rd.
EXPERIENCE DISCOVER office: 706.653.6240
AFRICAN- HISTORIC cell: 706.332.6378
HERITAGE Discover Columbus’ Like us on Facebook
Explore the background and history through tours of
influences of Gertrude “Ma” significant houses and historic
Rainey’s life and career as neighborhoods. Tour the
“The Mother of the Blues” Walker-Peters-Langdon House, The
through the Ma Rainey Home c. 1828, the oldest house in
and Blues Museum. Columbus. The home features
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