Page 23 - Columbus VG 2020
P. 23

ILLGES GALLERY/        PASAQUAN -                      ALL OUT
    CORN CENTER FOR        BUENA VISTA, GA                    ARTS
    VISUAL ARTS –            Enter the out-of-this-world
    COLUMBUS STATE         art landscape at Pasaquan,
    UNIVERSITY             the estate and legacy of self-
      Attend one of the 6 to 8   proclaimed eccentric artist
    annual exhibitions presented by   Eddie Owens Martin, or “St.
    the Norman Shannon and Emmy   EOM.” In Buena Vista, GA, near
    Lou P. Illges Gallery in the Corn   Fort Benning, Pasaquan’s seven
    Center for Visual Arts. These   acres include dozens of formed
    exhibitions are both national   walls, pillars, and African-style   ART IN THE HEART OF
    and international in scope, often   head sculptures, all decorated   1  COLUMBUS
    with accompanying lectures and   with house paint. The imagery
    gallery talks. The Illges Gallery   is exclusively otherworldly,   ILLGES GALLERY
                                                        941 Front Ave.
    is free and open to the public.    rendered with a discernable   Columbus, GA 31901
      941 Front Ave.       sense of humor.    (leashed)  706.507.8301
                             238 Eddie Martin Rd.
      706.507.8301           Buena Vista, GA 31808
                                                         exhibition  706.507.8306          3,250 square feet gallery
                              presenting 6-8 exhibitions
                                                    a year, both national and
                                                   international in scope, often

    “It’s always interesting to go to   “ of the most creative visual   with accompanying lectures
                                                    and gallery talks. Free and
    the galleries here”    art experiences ever.”     open to the public.

                                     Columbus Visitors Guide 2020 | 800.999.1613 23
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