Page 37 - Columbus VG 2020
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All Out
            On Stage

                Bright Lights, Big Fun
           G      o all out for music, acting, dance and   The facility houses three state-of-the-art
                                                           RiverCenter Legacy Hall

                  comedy. Whether you want to be on
                                              and Studio Theatre. Outdoor events are often held
            the stage or in the audience, Columbus is the   performance halls: Bill Heard Theatre, Legacy Hall,
            place to be.                      at RiverCenter’s Illges Plaza. Visit the website for a
                                              complete list of performances for the current season.
            RIVERCENTER FOR THE                 900 Broadway | 706.256.3612
            PERFORMING ARTS           
              World-class artists and touring productions

            of Broadway shows take the RiverCenter stage   “This is a great treasure for Columbus, Ga. Beautifully
            to deliver breathtaking performances in the   done inside and out.”
            heart of Uptown Columbus.
              The cultural hub for West Georgia,   SPRINGER OPERA HOUSE
            RiverCenter is home to the Columbus Symphony     Catch a musical, drama or comedy at the
            Orchestra, The Schwob School of Music, the   Springer Opera House, the State Theatre of Georgia.
            Youth Orchestra of Greater Columbus, Cantus   Opened in 1871, the Springer is one of only seven
            Columbus and the Columbus Ballet.   producing theatres that is also a National Historic
                                              Landmark. Springer is home to Springer Theatre
                                              Academy and the Georgia Repertory Theatre which
                                              produces Mainstage, Studio II and Children’s series
                                              of musicals and plays.
                                                103 Tenth St. | 706.327.3688

                                              “This testament to Columbus history still charms
                                              people today with its elegant beauty and array of
                           Springer Opera House  productions throughout the year.”
                                     Columbus Visitors Guide 2020 | 800.999.1613 31
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