Page 15 - Columbus 2024 VG
P. 15

All Out Chill

      features the Liberty Heritage
      Historic District, home of the
      Mother of the Blues, “Ma”
      Rainey. Tours of her house are
      also by appointment. You may
      work up a thirst on the Soft
      Drink Heritage Trail as our
      city’s connections to RC   SEVEN MUSEUMS,      ALWAYS AMAZING
      Cola, Nehi, and Coca-Cola   ONE LOCATION!         ALWAYS
      are revealed.                   3                 UPTOWN
      1440 Second Avenue      COLUMBUS COLLECTIVE            9
      706.322.0756                 MUSEUMS   3218 Hamilton Rd.    UPTOWN, INC.
                                  706.332.6378         25 W 10th St. #4
                    Columbus, GA 31901
      “The owner and tour guide   Columbus Collective Museums
      provided a wonderful and   is home of the World-Famous   Uptown is a prime
      detailed Black Heritage Tour   Lunchbox Museum plus 6   destination for shopping,
                              more dazzling displays of
      of Columbus. We learned a ton   unique museums that together   dining, living, and recreation.
      and had a wonderful time.”  showcase local industrial   We hope to see you in
                                                       Uptown, where life is
                                heritage and culture!   always amazing.


                                 |   800.999.1613
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