Page 18 - Columbus 2024 VG
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Coca-Cola Space Science Center

             All Out Museums

                      Amazing Images in 2D and 3D

              olumbus weaves the historic   galleries and outdoor garden. Take the
              truths of the past with the cultural   memories home with a visit to the gift shop
         C tapestries of the day using     with art and history-themed gifts including
         performing arts, fine arts, science and   books, jewelry, and games.
         history museums and monuments to society      Enjoy the nature trails winding through
         that expand the mind to new dimensions.   the Bradley Olmsted Garden leading to a
            Open the doors to the Columbus   pool house, grotto, and natural spring ravine
         Museum, one of the largest art museums   original to the 1920s garden onsite at the
         in the Southeast. New and rotating exhibits   Columbus Museum.
                                             Absorb the monumental American

         bring American art and history into meaning   realist paintings by Columbus native
         for the communities of the Chattahoochee   artist Bo Bartlett at Columbus State
         Valley. There’s a lot to see and feel in the   University’s Bo Bartlett Center. More
                                           visual arts are in exhibitions at the
                                Pasaquan   University’s Corn Center for the Visual
                                           Arts Illges Gallery, presenting rotating
                                           exhibitions national and international in
                                           scope, often with accompanying lectures
                                           and gallery talks.
                                              Want to put yourself into a quirky place
                                           imbued with passion? Visit Pasaquan, a
                                           7-acre life experience near Buena Vista
                                           created by the late eccentric folk artist Eddie
                                           Owens Martin. Pasaquan is hailed as one of
                                           the most remarkable folk-art environments
                                           in America. This is one of those places you
                                           need to see to believe!
                                              Other not-to-be-missed experiences
                                           include the Coca-Cola Space Science
                                           Center (especially a show in the Omnisphere
            800.999.1613   |
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