Page 45 - DeKalb County NCG 2019
P. 45


 EDUCATION &                                                                                                                                     EDUCATION &
 WORKFORCE                                                                                                                                       WORKFORCE
 DEVELOPMENT                                                                                                                                    DEVELOPMENT


                                                                                                               Agnes Scott College

 ou can’t discuss education in DeKalb County without
 mentioning the many colleges and universities in the area.   In 2016, Georgia Perimeter College (formerly   certificate up to an associate’s degree, and
 DeKalb College) merged with Georgia State   then have the ability to transfer seamlessly to
 YGeorgia Piedmont Technical College (initially DeKalb Area   University to become one of the largest   Georgia State University’s downtown Atlanta   WORKFORCE
 Vocational School) is one of Georgia’s oldest and most respected   universities in the U.S. Today, Perimeter   campus to pursue a four-year degree and
 colleges in the technical field.   College at Georgia State University continues   higher. Perimeter College students are given
 to be a gateway to higher education for DeKalb   the tools they need to succeed without the   TRAINING & ASSISTANCE
 The college prides itself on preparing   the school operated as a division and   County residents. Students can earn a career   high price of many colleges and universities.
 its students with the education, training   campus of DeKalb College (now Georgia
 and skills needed to enter the workforce   State University Perimeter College) from   Major Colleges    he DeKalb Chamber of Commerce works closely with WorkSource DeKalb to ensure that job
 and make positive impacts on the   1972 to 1986.  & Universities in    Classes Started  applicants have the skills to succeed in a highly competitive work environment. Through Board
 community. Started in 1961, the school   DeKalb County  Location  Description  Tservice, the Chamber helps to review programs being administered by WorkSource DeKalb.
 was part of the DeKalb County School   Just as Georgia Piedmont Technical   Agnes Scott College   Decatur   Private, undergraduate, liberal arts   1889
 System until 1996, then became a unit   College once fell under the purview of   women’s college  The Chamber also supports various   future, the program has served more   with the DeKalb Chamber, communities
 of the Technical College System of   the DeKalb County School System, so   Columbia Theological Seminary  Decatur  Presbyterian seminary  1828  local and state programs to build a   than 550 DeKalb County residents   on this path can promote a vision
 Georgia. As DeKalb Technical College,   too did Perimeter College at Georgia   quality workforce, including Georgia   through training programs, work-based   that links education and workforce
 State University. When it started in   Georgia Military College   Stone Mountain   Public military, liberal arts junior   2011   Work Ready and Georgia Quick Start.  learning, and employment services.  development in a combined effort
 1964 as DeKalb College, the institution                                    with the economic development of
 was the only public two-year higher   Emory University  Decatur  Private research university  1836  WorkSource DeKalb administers   Georgia Work Ready   DeKalb County.
 education institution in the state   Georgia Piedmont    Clarkston, Decatur  Public, two-year technical college  1961  various employment/training programs   is a tool available to
 operated by a local board of education.   Technical College           for adults, dislocated workers and   communities in Georgia   Georgia Quick Start is a free
 A pioneer in the open admission   Mercer University Atlanta   Chamblee   Private university, undergraduate   1972   youth ages 14-24. Funded by the   to help validate they   and customized program that
 liberal arts to doctoral-level
 concept, any resident of the DeKalb   Workforce Innovation and Opportunity   have the workforce ready   provides high quality training
 County School District holding a high   Oglethorpe University  Brookhaven  Private, liberal arts college  1835  Act (WIOA), a federal program that   to fill hiring needs for   services at no cost to qualified
 school diploma or its equivalent could   Perimeter College at Georgia   Clarkston, Decatur,   Two-year undergraduate unit of   1964  helps Georgia businesses meet the   both existing and new   new or expanding businesses in
 Emory University  State University  Dunwoody  Georgia State University
 be admitted to the college.   needs for today, tomorrow and the   industries. By working   Georgia. Administered in DeKalb

 43  DeKalb Chamber of Commerce  80TH SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY EDITION  404.378.8000 | WWW.DEKALBCHAMBER.ORG             DeKalb Chamber of Commerce  44
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