Page 47 - DeKalb County NCG 2019
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 EDUCATION &  New president sees a bright future                                Goodwill of North Georgia                                        EDUCATION &
 WORKFORCE                                                                                                                                       WORKFORCE
 DEVELOPMENT                 for Kennesaw State                                                                                                 DEVELOPMENT
                                 By Scott Wiltsee                                                       oodwill of North Georgia is rooted in the local
                                                                                                        community. Its mission is to put people to
                                           ince joining Kennesaw State as                         G work. Made possible largely by revenue from its
                                           president in July 2018, Pamela Whitten                  donated goods retail business, the organization provides
                                      S has been on a nonstop tour of the                          job training and placement services to people looking to
                                      University, listening to faculty, staff, and   better their lives by earning a paycheck of their own.  Goodwill’s career services are
                                      students and formulating plans for leading   available through 13 local career centers, which are free and open to anyone looking
                                      KSU into a new phase of its development.  for a first job or a new job, and also online: Three of
 County through Georgia Piedmont   and other publications for having the      those centers are in DeKalb County. Through its career services, Goodwill connected
 Technical College, Quick Start has   most comprehensive and advanced   With more than 35,000 students, Kennesaw   almost 5,000 DeKalb County job seekers with employment in 2018. Support from 700+
 provided customized training for more   training program in the nation. The   State is Georgia’s third-largest university and   employer partners helped make this a reality. Together, the organizations are working
 than 325,000 employees for 3,100   program is cited as a major reason   among the top 50 public institutions in the   to create a positive economic impact for county residents and businesses. To learn
 businesses and industries in the state.  Georgia is consistently ranked the   nation. Students at KSU represent 121 of   more about Goodwill of North Georgia, visit
 The Quick Start program has received   number one state for business in    Georgia’s 159 counties. DeKalb is among the
 praise from Fortune magazine, Training  the U.S.  top five counties represented at KSU.

        “The role of a successful president is to set and implement an exciting vision with faculty,
        staff, and students,” Whitten said. Part of that vision includes developing efforts to
        ensure a laser focus on student success: improving graduation rates, raising funding for
        scholarships and financial aid, and shaping Kennesaw State’s identity as a university.

        Whitten’s goals for
        Kennesaw State include    “We have highly qualified students who
        raising its profile of being   are academically ready and have the
        the best doctoral research   drive to succeed. Our job is to surround
        institution (R3 level) in the
        country, a designation the   them with highly talented faculty and
        University earned in 2016 by   staff who can guide the students in the
        the Carnegie Classifications   realization of their goals.”
        of Institutions of Higher
        Learning. Whitten also is committed to KSU maintaining a position as an economic
        partner and engine for the region and the state.

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