Page 13 - DeKalb NCG 2024
P. 13

Lulah Hills

           Work, Live, Play

        By Glenn Carson

        W     hat was once the North DeKalb Mall   The goal of mixed-use developments, like Lulah Hills, is to create
              in Decatur is now Lulah Hills. The new
              project is underway and is expected to be
                                              vibrant, walkable, and sustainable communities. The diverse use of
        completed in 2025.
          EDENS is the developer behind the evolution of   land, proximity to transit, and sense of community mean that families
        the site. The 73-acre redevelopment will include   cannot only visit, but live, work, and play.
        320,000 square feet for retail, 1,700 multifamily
        units, 100 townhomes, and a 150-room hotel. A trail
        will lead from the property to Emory University.  community through innovative design, thoughtful     As a neighbor of Emory University, Lulah Hills
          “Lulah Hills is the evolution of community.   curation and active engagement, just as it was   will add to an already eclectic scene. Residents and
                                                                                tourists celebrate diversity and creativity, which
        When it opened in 1965, North DeKalb Mall was a   known for almost 60 years ago.”    makes the entire area exciting to explore.
        pioneering retail achievement, a one-stop shop for     The name Lulah Hills is a play on an original     EDENS CEO Jodie W. McLean said that the
        commerce and entertainment under one roof,” said   naming concept by the renowned landscape   emotional, mental, and physical benefits of living in
                                            architect Frederick Law Olmsted for the planned
        Herbert Ames, Managing Director at EDENS. “With   Druid Hills residential suburb. From its inception in   a place like Lulah Hills are hard to overstate. “Social
        our redevelopment, we are designing a retail-  the 1890s, the development of Druid Hills shaped   connection and the quality of our relationships with
        focused, mixed-use destination that reflects the   the built environment of the majority of this region,   others is a critical contributor to health, safety, and
        character of this community and inspires those   from Atlanta and Decatur to modern-day North Druid   prosperity,” he said. The benefits of a development
        who visit.”                         Hills Road.                         like Lulah Hills go far beyond the economic impact.
                                                                                It’s a new way for people to connect.
          “Lulah Hills will be intentionally convenient     North DeKalb Mall was the area’s first fully     EDENS has developed spaces in 64 cities, across
        and casual – ideal for a relaxed family outing, the   enclosed mall. While it served the community well   17 states, including in Roswell, GA, north of Atlanta.
        long-overdue date night or a morning cup of coffee,”   for decades, Lulah Hills brings new life and purpose   Lulah Hills is its latest expression of how to make a
        Ames continued. “This place will once again enrich   to the site.       lasting impression on the community as a whole.

                                                                    DeKalb Chamber of Commerce     404-378-8000
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