Page 18 - DeKalb NCG 2024
P. 18

Education & Workforce Training
                 Educat              ion & W              or    k   f or    ce T       r  aining

                 Preparing for the Future
                 Pr   eparing f          or t    he Futur          e

                                                                                                   Photo courtesy of DCSD

        L   ife preparation starts in preschool, continuing   student success, leading to higher education, work,   Cutting-Edge Workforce Training
            through elementary/secondary school,
                                            and life-long learning. This vision and mission are
            career training, and higher education.
                                            becoming a reality – every day, in every classroom
        Our workforce pipeline in DeKalb County is robust,   throughout the District.    DeKalb County supports area employers in
        and our programs are responsive to the needs of     The District uses performance measures, targets,   improving worker productivity, employee retention
        area employers.                     and initiatives to ensure success. A monitoring and   and work-life balance, while encouraging employees
                                            data collection process was developed, and rigorous   to live, work, and play in DeKalb.
         DeKalb County School District      progress check procedures were implemented. At     Georgia Quick Start helps companies assess,
                                            the local level, ongoing training sessions are offered   select, and train the right people at the right time
          DeKalb County School District (DCSD) is Georgia’s   to all principals to support the work of aligning,   for success. Quick Start’s services are free to
        third-largest school system. Under the leadership   refining, monitoring, and evaluating the continuous   any qualified company, whether new to Georgia,
        of Superintendent Dr. Devon Q. Horton and the   improvement efforts of each individual school.  expanding a workforce here, or adding new
        Board of Education, the District prepares students     DeKalb also offers Career, Technical, and   technology to stay competitive. The program
        for college and careers through rigorous, relevant   Agricultural Education. Students choose from 17   provides pre-employment assessments, trains new
        classroom instruction that speaks directly to each   programs, including Architecture and Construction,   employees on each company’s processes, and
        child’s needs.                      Information Technology, Health Science, and   develops customized, job-specific training using the
          The District serves nearly 102,000 students,   Hospitality and Tourism. More at  most current techniques and media.
        140 schools and centers, and 15,500 employees,                           By providing a host of other training, Quick
        including 6,600 teachers. Students and parents   City Schools of Decatur   Start promotes continuous improvement through
        speak more than 140 languages and represent                            increasing efficiency, reducing waste, adding value,
        more than 180 nations. DCSD is a leader in     City Schools of Decatur have 5,645 Pre-K-12   building teams, and nourishing a winning culture.
        STEM curriculum with 10 certified schools and   students attending 10 schools. Of the district’s   More at
        programs in more than 90 schools. With nearly 50   544 certified staff, more than 86.1% hold     WorkSource DeKalb (WSD) is on a mission
        specialty schools, from magnet and International   advanced degrees.   to increase occupational skill attainment by
        Baccalaureate (IB) to charter and Montessori,     City Schools of Decatur operates 10 schools; one   participants, improve the quality of the workforce,
        students and parents have many options when   early childhood learning center; five kindergarten-  reduce welfare dependency, and enhance the
        choosing a school.                  second; two third-fifth; one middle; and one high   productivity and competitiveness of the nation. WSD
          The vision of the DeKalb County School District   school. The pupil to teacher ratio meets or is lower   administers various employment/training programs
        is to inspire our community of learners to achieve   than state-mandated standards.  for adults, dislocated workers and youth ages
        educational excellence. Their mission is to ensure     Learn more at  14-24. WSD aligns partnerships with the DeKalb

         14      DeKalb Chamber of Commerce     404-378-8000
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