Page 13 - Dunwoody NCG 2024
P. 13

The first congregation in
            Dunwoody gathered at
            Ebenezer Primitive Baptist
            Church in 1829. Ebenezer
           was commandeered as a Union
           Army Hospital during the Civil
           War, and its cemetery holds both
           Union and Confederate soldiers.

        Finding Faith

          Find your faith with others who   abroad for mission work. No matter the
        serve their local community through   denomination, many people seek an
        worship, fellowship, and service. The   opportunity to come together and build
        spiritual spectrum of Dunwoody      relationships while practicing faith in a
        includes churches, synagogues,      welcoming environment.
        temples, and mosques.
                                              Volunteering and supporting
                                                                                   Bethany Christian Services,
          Dunwoody Baptist Church, a        local needs-based organizations is
                                                                                   with one of its global
        member of the Perimeter Chamber,    another way to work across the aisles.
                                                                                   headquarters in Atlanta, is an
        offers both traditional and modern   Community Assistance Center is a
                                                                                   international Christian nonprofit
        Sunday services and multiple ways for   cornerstone of the human services   organization that supports
        people to come together and worship   network in the northern Perimeter area.   children and families through
        and serve the community. In their   The nonprofit is a vital resource in Sandy   world-class social services. An
        welcoming statements, Senior Pastor   Springs and Dunwoody as they work to   array of services for families
        Allen Jackson shares, “We see ourselves   prevent hunger and housing loss and   and youth support foster
        as a bit of a community church. We have   help neighbors in a financial crisis with   care, adoption, refugee and
        a lot of families that are close by, and   basic needs such as utilities, food, and   immigration services, and family
        a lot of workers who work here in the   clothing, and through seasonal youth   strengthening programs.
        Perimeter area. We have a lot of    programs (school supplies, winter coats,   In Atlanta, Bethany additionally
        different kinds of people from all walks   holiday gifts). CAC works with clients to   provides wraparound stabilization
        of life.”                   achieve self-sufficiency through adult   services ranging from recovering
          Faith-based centers offer an array   education and career counseling     mothers with newborns to
        of outreach programs, including youth   efforts. A local tip: Their upscale Thrift   trafficking victim assistance.
        group activities, counseling services,   Store is one of the most fabulous in all of
        Scripture study classes, and even trips   Atlanta!

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