Page 16 - Dunwoody NCG 2024
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EDUCATION                                                                                  SPONSORED

                                                                                             1. A Solid Reputation
                                                        5           to look for              about their good
                                                                                             Asking trusted friends
                                                                                             experiences is a great
                                                                                             way to start. Consider
                                                                                             schools that have
                                                                    in a premium
                                                                                             received awards
                                                                                             voted for by the
                                                                                             community and speak to
                                                                                             current parents.
                                                                               2. Passionate & Qualified Teachers
                                                                               Look for a school like Goddard that
                                                                               ensures all teachers are trained in early
                                                                               childhood education and development.
                                                                               We insist that teachers pass a detailed
                                                                               background check and have real
                                                                               experience. Our teachers are also required
         2022 SAT/ACT SCORES – DUNWOODY                                        to continue their education through
                                                                               professional development opportunities
                               Dunwoody                                        and mandatory training.
         SAT                   High School         District         State
                                                                               3. A Safe, Comforting Environment
                                                                               Does the school have perimeter security
         Math                  542                 487              516
                                                                               for controlling access to the school
                                                                               and biotechnology systems to keep the
         Reading & Writing     566                 513              536        children safe? In addition to complying with
                                                                               all CDC requirements and taking traditional
         Total                 1108                1000             1052       precautions, each location is equipped
                                                                               with a Biodefense System for microbial
                                                                               reduction in the HVAC system, as well
                              Dunwoody                                         as the Zono Disinfecting and Sanitizing
         ACT                  High School          District        State       Cabinet for toys and shared equipment.

         English              25.3                 19.8            21.0        4. Active Learning
                                                                               A child’s natural inclination for exploration
         Math                 23.3                 19.2            20.8        and investigation needs to be encouraged.
                                                                               Look for schools with a formal socio-
         Reading              25.3                 21.4            22.5        emotional development curriculum
                                                                               and seek schools that use current,
         Science              24.4                 20.3            21.5        academically endorsed methods to ensure
                                                                               children have fun while learning the skills
                                                                               they need for long-term success.
         Composite            24.7                 20.3            21.6
         Source: The Georgia Department of Education                           5. Child-Friendly
                                                                               Every child is unique. Our philosophy is
                                                                               that learning shouldn’t be one-size-fits-
                                                                               all. Look for a school that has a similar
        majors at Georgia State University.   guidance for college admissions can   approach. The Goddard F.L.EX.® framework
        Military students and veterans find   contact Class 101 is   (Fun Learning Experience) gives teachers
        support at the Military Outreach    a nationwide company that guides   flexibility in their lesson plans and
                                                                               teaching style which allows them to tailor
        Center, recognized as one of the best
                                            high school students through college
                                                                               educational experiences for a one-of-a-
        in the country.
                                            admissions processes and financial   kind approach.
          Also in Dunwoody, or within a
                                            aid and affordability planning. The
        short drive, are campuses of Mercer                                    Before making your final selection, we
                                            organization works one-on-one
        University, Oglethorpe University, Troy                                hope you’ll consider The Goddard School
                                            with students as early as their freshman   Sandy Springs. Call 470-571-1700 and I
        University, American InterContinental
                                                                               would be delighted to host you for a tour.
        University, Emory University, and   year of high school providing a roadmap
        Georgia Institute of Technology.    so that the path to higher education is   Jay B. Bryan, Owner
          Families that want more personalized   more enjoyable for families.  The Goddard School Sandy Springs
       12                                                           Dunwoody Perimeter Chamber | | 678.244.9700
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