Page 46 - Dunwoody NCG 2024
P. 46


                                                             Perimeter Center, the bustling
                                                             market and neighborhood that
                                                             has formed around Perimeter
                                                             Mall, is one of Metro Atlanta’s
                                                             largest job centers.

        features more than 10 million square   to make the stretch of Chamblee-  CEOs can maximize potential in
        feet of office space complemented   Dunwoody Road between I-285        our multi-faceted Atlanta area
        by well-connected transportation,   and North Shallowford Road more    hotspot:
        world-class retail and hospitality,   pedestrian and bike friendly.    economic-development
        an exceptional quality of life, and a     The City of Dunwoody has a
        dedicated workforce.                partnership with TiE Atlanta, which
                                            fosters entrepreneurship through
        Edge 2.0                            mentoring, networking, and funding.
          A partnership between City of     Atlanta’s TiE entrepreneurial community
        Dunwoody, Atlanta Regional Commission,   meets monthly to network on topics
        and Perimeter Community Improvement   that are important to entrepreneurs,
        Districts (PCIDs) produced a roadmap to   founders, and small business leaders.
        envision the possibilities for Perimeter     Proximity to some of the most highly
        Center’s next chapter, one that is being   regarded educational institutions in the
                                                                                     132,000 jobs within a
        defined for the next 20 years. Edge   country – like Emory University,
                                                                                       three-mile radius
        City 2.0 puts a priority on greenspace,   Georgia Tech, University of Georgia,
        mobility enhancements, and more for   Oglethorpe University, and Georgia
        residents, workers, and visitors.   State University, which has a campus
          “Last mile” connectivity is a goal for   of their Perimeter College in Dunwoody   Population
        both PCIDs and the City of Dunwoody, to   – provide the human capacity needed   •   Education of 18+ residents:
        encourage walking and cycling as major   to meet the influx of jobs predicted to   73 percent have a bachelor’s
        modes of transportation, particularly   come to Dunwoody during the next   degree or higher
        around the transit stations. The City   three decades.                 •   Median age: 36
        is beginning to construct pedestrian     The Atlanta Regional Commission   •   Half our population is comprised
        and bicycle facilities along Ashford   anticipates growth of 1.5 million new   of Millennials (born 1981 to 1996)
        Dunwoody Road between Hammond       jobs in the next 30 years, of which   or Gen Z (born 1997 to 2012).
        Drive and Mount Vernon Road.        Dunwoody will absorb many.         •   Approximately 120,000 people
        Extending these options in the      Contact the City of Dunwoody’s       visit Dunwoody during the day.
        Perimeter area will increase the    Economic Development team to       •   The population of the city doubles
        geographic reach of the Dunwoody    learn more about all the ways that   every weekday with the number of
        MARTA station. The City also plans   entrepreneurs, site selectors, and    employees commuting to Dunwoody.

       42                                                           Dunwoody Perimeter Chamber | | 678.244.9700
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