Page 49 - Dunwoody NCG 2024
P. 49

Your Dunwoody


                                     Elected By You

          Moving into 2024, Dunwoody        identifying room for improvement.   over into Fulton County. Dunwoody
        continues to be abuzz. Organizations   Among key findings, the survey of    residents receive some services from
        like Spruill Center for the Arts and   525 residents showed:            DeKalb County, including DeKalb
        CREATE Dunwoody, among arts-based                                       County Schools, DeKalb County Fire &
        nonprofits, are bringing the cultural   •   90% satisfaction with the overall   Rescue, DeKalb County Public Libraries,
        fabric of the community to the stage,   quality of life in Dunwoody     sanitation, water and sewage.
        screen, gallery, festival, mural, and
        beyond. New retail and restaurants are   •   Top benefits including location/
                                                                                More information:
        opening. Dunwoody’s Edge City 2.0 and   walkability, community,
        master trails plans identify opportunities   and recreation
        for additional housing, greenspace,
                                                                                   “As the City of Dunwoody
        recreation, and commercial space.   •   Most valued services: police,
        Dunwoody recertified this year in two   city trails and sidewalks, and     approaches our 15th
                                             road management                       anniversary of incorporation,
        areas, continuing to be:
                                                                                   we are transforming from a
        •   A Tree City USA by the Arbor Day   More information:    sleepy suburb to a vibrant city.
          foundation for continued preservation                                    Focusing on connectivity, we
          of forest canopy and dedication to a   Dunwoody Government               strive to be the place where
          robust parks system.                The Dunwoody City Council is         people want to live, work, and
                                            comprised of six members elected       play. Improving walkability,
        •   A City of Civility and Ethics by the   to staggered four-year terms on   increasing public art,
          Georgia Municipal Association, which   nonpartisan ballots. The mayor and the
                                                                                   encouraging entrepreneurship,
          means that the City’s leadership   council enact ordinances, collect taxes,
                                                                                   and enhancing our quality of life
          models open, free, and vigorous   and designate how they are spent to
                                                                                   are all strategies that will ensure
          debate while maintaining high     conduct city business. They also
                                                                                   Dunwoody continues to thrive
          standards of civility, honesty, and   provide policy direction to the city
                                                                                   in the future. I am so excited
          mutual respect.                   manager and administrative staff.
                                                                                   to see what the next 15 years
                                            Dunwoody’s leaders are dedicated to
                                                                                   bring for our community.”
        Quality of Life Ranks High          fulfilling their mission to make the City a
          The Dunwoody Community Survey     comfortable place to prosper.
        was administered in March and reveals
                                                                                               Lynn Deutsch
        strong satisfaction with Dunwoody’s   DeKalb County Government                         Mayor
        quality of life. The survey is implemented     Dunwoody is one of 13 municipalities    City of Dunwoody
        every few years to gain insights into   that are wholly or partially in DeKalb
        City services and amenities and     County. Part of Dunwoody spills

               City of Dunwoody:     Dunwoody Perimeter Chamber:

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