Page 14 - Georgetown NCG 2019
P. 14

BRENDA                               AUSTIN                        M.P. “SQUEAKY”
             TURNER                                 BOND                         SWENSON

                   CANDLE MAKER                        PHOTOGRAPHER                CONTEMPORARY LANDSCAPE PAINTER

                  • Grew up in Bandy, VA               • Grew up in Conway, SC      • Grew up in Hell Hole Swamp in the Frances Marion
         • Bought a vacation home on Pawleys Island 20 years ago  • Murrells Inlet resident  National Forest in Berkeley County
               • Moved here full time 2 years ago     • Austin Bond, Photography         • Publisher of the Coastal Observer
                  • Creator of WISH Candle                                             • Majored in English at Clemson University
                                              Q: What was your entrance into photography?  • Moved to Georgetown County after college
        Q: What inspired you to open WISH? What sparked   A: “I lived at the parsonage on Belin’s campus when we
          the idea?                             moved here. The sanctuary is positioned right next to   Q: What do you enjoy most about living in this area?
        A: “Candle making was my hobby…years ago. After my     Murrells Inlet. When you walk out the front door of    A: “Well, I have to tell you, I’ve traveled a lot, and I feel like the
          husband passed away, I was up in the middle of the night     the sanctuary you’ve got this glorious view of the inlet.      coast of South Carolina is probably one of the most beautiful
          one night making candles. And I thought about trying to      And there’s a large cross…I was just blown away by how      places in the world. And that’s what I love about living here.
          create a message in a candle. At that moment the idea came      beautiful things were down here. I would take      It’s the only place on the East Coast where a river runs
          to me that I should create a candle that would hold a      pictures…put them on my personal Facebook…and      parallel with the ocean. To me you have the best of all
          handwritten letter or message…I’ve always had a passion      I got a lot of response from that. People would      worlds here. You’ve got the ocean. You’ve got the marsh.
          for making wishes. And when I decided I was going to start      sometimes ask me if they could buy my photos. When I      And you’ve got the river.”
          making the WISH candles, I decided I was going to make      started getting questions like that, I thought, well maybe
          them out of 100% pure beeswax…it’s a wax that cleanses      there’s something more to this.”  Q: How does this area inspire your work?
          the air and sparks creativity.”                                         A: “When I was an English major, I wrote a lot of poetry. And I
                                              Q: What is your favorite spot in Georgetown County?    continued to write poetry as I got older. But I realized
        Q: What is the next step for WISH Candle?  A: “I do love Huntington Beach State Park, from the beach      that…you can convey a message a lot quicker visually than
        A: “I’m in the process of looking for other creative people     to the causeway, which has an incredible view of the      you can with the written word. So, I try…for my paintings
          and artists…I feel like we are at such a crossroads. Our    inlet, and all the different types of wildlife that are there.      to be visual poetry…I like to communicate feelings and
          daily lives have been taken over by technology, and     From the alligators to so many different bird species,      emotions. That’s very important to me. Water is an
          the more we communicate on a technical level the less we     to seeing the blue crabs in the water, it is an incredible      important symbol in my work. It shows up all the time.
          communicate with each other. My mission is to bring people     place. I love walking or riding my bike on the beach to      And I think that’s because I’m so influenced by my proximity
          together to communicate not only through the handwritten    the jetties…That whole area is so gorgeous and I’m just      to water. I mean, I grew up on the water. I grew up on the
          word, but through the things they make with their hands     so thankful for the Huntington family who provided this      Santee River. And some of my most wonderful memories
          and create.”                          land…It’s in its natural state. One of my favorite things      are out fishing with my Daddy on that river, into the edges
                                                to see fly by is of course the bald eagles that live there.      of Winyah Bay and the Santee Delta. All of that has
        Q: What would you like a new resident or business      It’s such an incredible moment when you see one soar      influenced who I am and my art.”
          prospect to know about Georgetown County?    past. They’re just so huge and beautiful.”
        A: “My mission this year is to find other people in the                   Q: What is your favorite spot in Georgetown County?
          Georgetown area who also have a passion for making   Q: What would you tell a new resident or business   A: “About five years ago, I moved into doing these landscapes.
          things, and to have them come into the shop and share     prospect about Georgetown County?    I just wanted to do them. And I think that was because
          what they’re making. We have a bulletin board where we   A: “There are just so many hidden secrets. I’ve lived here     every day I walk down to the Waccamaw River…and look
          like to put up information about other artists. So, we can     eight years and I still discover things each week that just     over this bluff that looks over the river. It’s just…I can’t get
          share their stories with people who come in.”    blow me away. And then you’ve got the obvious     it out of my head. It just keeps popping up. That view of
                                                things…like how valuable the Murrells Inlet MarshWalk     looking down on the river and the marshland.”
                                                is as far as great restaurants. A great place for tourists
                                                and locals.”

        12 Georgetown County Chamber of Commerce | 843.546.8436 |
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