Page 13 - Jackson New Comers Guide 2020
P. 13


         HERO AWARDS

         Honoring All First Responders

          by Bonnie Hunter

          Heroic professionals, from firefighters and                            are presented in categories such as Public
          police officers to emergency administration                            Safety Professional, or Supporter of the Year,
          and medical personnel, keep communities                                the Lifesaving Award, the Medal of Merit, and
          safe, which sometimes requires putting their                           the highest honor, the Medal of Valor.
          own lives on the line. In our most desperate
          times of need, these people are ready
          and prepared to take valiant action under                              Nominations are made from the fire, police,
          unparalleled pressure for the greater good.                            and EMS departments and the sheriff’s office.
                                            Melissa Britt, Vice President of Operations for   The Hometown Hero Awards honor all the first
          Though there is no way to sufficiently   the Chamber said, “Our chamber is honored to   responders of Jackson County and celebrate
          recognize their contribution or   host this event. You can’t give enough thanks   the courage and commitment of those who
          demonstrate a community’s appreciation,   to first responders. This event brings the public   serve, protect, and save. First responders who
          the Jackson County Area Chamber of   safety sector and the business community   attend receive complimentary event entry
                                            together. That way, the community has the
          Commerce takes time each year to call   perfect forum to show their gratitude.”  and lunch.
          attention to first responder achievement                               The community is invited to attend, and
          in Jackson County with the annual   The event recognizes excellence in local public   sponsorship opportunities are available
          Hometown Hero Awards.             service professionals. Hometown Hero Awards   through the Chamber.

                              Jackson County Area Chamber of Commerce | | (706) 387-0300  9
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