Page 15 - Macon Travel Guide 2023
P. 15
ounds dating back thousands of years stretch
above the horizon and scenic forest trails featuring
marshlands guide you through a land that saw OUTDOOR & ATTRACTIONS
more than 17,000 years of continuous human
habitation – this is Ocmulgee Mounds National
M Historical Park.
Journey into a reconstructed Earth significant moment for the integration
Lodge with its original floors that of sports in Georgia. Now it’s the home
date as far back as 1015 AD. View of the Macon Bacon, a Coastal Plains
artifacts that record the traditions League team, which hosts various
and culture of indigenous tribes, themed nights, firework shows, and
including the present-day Muscogee exciting fan participation games!
(Creek) Nation that now resides in
Okmulgee, Oklahoma. AL FRESCO
The site has gained national Looking to camp with the family?
attention thanks to plans to designate Try Lake Tobesofkee’s camping and
it America’s newest National Park and RV grounds which feature the perfect VisitMaconGA
Preserve and Georgia’s first National kid-friendly attraction at Sandy Beach
Park. Learn about the communities Water Park.
that call this region their homelands by Take a stroll through our walkable
exploring this rare historical site.
downtown featuring outdoor dining
DIVE IN options, pet-friendly parks, and the @VisitMacon
Indigenous tribes once lived along off-leash dog park and outdoor bar,
Barks N Brews. No matter the season,
the Ocmulgee River which still flows let the outdoors call you to Macon.
through the heart of Macon today. It
now is embraced through refreshing HIKES & QUIET PLACES
tubing experiences during the heat @MaconGaSoul
of the summer or breezy kayaking We asked a few of our locals about
trips in autumn. Ocmulgee Outdoor their fav open-air pastimes. Several
Expeditions offers river kayaking and recommended Ocmulgee Mounds
canoeing trips with shuttles to and National Historical Park, with its
from the in-puts and out-takes. eight miles of trails ranging from
Amerson River Park features paved accessible trails to natural trails
an Ocmulgee River floating route, that give visitors opportunities to see VisitMaconGA
playground, picnic area and The historical mounds, wetlands, forests
Ocmulgee Heritage Trail which has and wildlife.
over 13 miles of accessible trails. Connie Wyzalek of St. Joseph
Catholic Church said, “We hike there
GAME ON every weekend.” And Emily Hopkins
If sports are on your agenda, the with NewTown Macon said “The trails
Historic Luther Williams Field is where are peaceful – you feel like you’re
many of baseball’s greats got their no longer in a city and you feel a
start, including Chipper Jones and deep connection to the past and the
Hank Aaron. Jackie Robinson played people who have lived in this area for
a game on the field in 1947, marking a thousands of years.”