Page 17 - Macon Travel Guide 2023
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The park’s landscape supports an Cristina Mayer, Director of the Robert
astounding array of documented wildlife F. Hatcher, Sr. Conference Center, and
species: 32 mammal species, 170 species Josh Rogers of NewTown Macon echoed
of birds, 26 amphibian species, 31 fish O’Neal. “I would recommend renting a
species and 35 reptile species. Many of kayak and floating the Ocmulgee River OUTDOOR & ATTRACTIONS
these are designated as threatened, and due to its natural beauty,” Mayer said. Lisa
so the park provides an important haven Lemon, Director of the Ocmulgee Mounds
for their preservation. Association, mentioned the park’s miles
Kyrie Hugdahl, Director of of paved and mulch trails, playground and
Membership/Communication for the pavilions as other amenities at the park.
Museum of Arts and Sciences, said this 6 Amerson River Park
park “provides a fantastic opportunity 2611 Riverview Rd. | 478.803.0484
for wildlife viewing, hiking and learning
about Native American history in
Middle Georgia.” Also starting at Amerson River Park,
Central Georgia’s only riverfront trail and
5 Ocmulgee Mounds National park system – the beautiful Ocmulgee
Historical Park Heritage Trail – stretches 11 miles along
1207 Emery Hwy. | 478.752.8257 the Ocmulgee River and through parts of
downtown Macon. It’s the perfect route
“I enjoy tubing at Amerson River Park,” for a city stroll or bike ride while enjoying VisitMaconGA
said Jenny O’Neal, Director of Finance nature along the river.
and Administration for the Macon, 6 The Ocmulgee Heritage Trail
Georgia Cherry Blossom Festival, about
this popular launch point for tubing or
paddling along the Ocmulgee River. “It’s a 7 Trails at Wesleyan College @VisitMacon
great way to beat the heat in the summer. 4760 Forsyth Rd. | 800.447.6610
To tube around the park takes about 1½
hours and there are nice bathrooms in the 8 Riverside Cemetery
park where you can get cleaned up and 1301 Riverside Dr. | 478.742.5328
then drive to downtown Macon to eat.”