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         Table of Contents

           Welcome                  3

           Getting Around           6
           Gaston by the Numbers    7
           Chamber Award Winners    9
           Holy Angels             11
           Communities             12
           Things to Do            27
           Fiber Innovation Center  32
           Education               34
           Healthcare              37           Celebrating 65 Years of Chamber Champions
           Directory               41

                                               Our mission is to build relationships to serve as a transformational
                                               force for the growth and prosperity of eastern Gaston County.
          115 N. Main Street, Belmont, NC 28012 I  magine a central place where the       My teaching career evolved in education
                                               interests of furthering your business
                                                                               leadership as administrator in the public
                                               concept or expansion are supported
                                                                               eight years as principal at East Gaston High
                 704-825-5307               by others who want to help you succeed.   schools of Gaston County, and for the last
                                            That is your Montcross Area Chamber   School. My work in education put me in
                                            of Commerce. We are an association   touch with many community members and
                                            of businesses, entrepreneurs and   businesses, parents and guardians, local
                                            organizations committed to improving our   government and nonprofit partners, all of
                                            bottom lines and our communities.  which has prepared me for this exciting role
             The Guide to Montcross is published by 365  Total Marketing,        As a member, you will engage with other   as your Chamber president.
              P.O. Box 20568, St. Simons Island, GA 31522, 912.638.0780.   businesses and find a calendar filled with       I am energized by the Chamber
             ©Copyright 2025 by Great Southern Publishers. Reproduction   opportunities to network at Chamber events   members’ passions. I’m looking
             in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Call   hosted by area businesses. Members serve   forward to meeting more of our local
             365  Total Marketing for all your design and printing needs,      business owners and community
               800.697.5568 or  on the board, on committees, and we meet
                                            often for cohesion in strategy for finding   members as we
                                            sustainable methods for growth. You can   grow the Chamber’s
          About the Cover                   exchange ideas, extend advice, and help   influence in driving
                                                                               sustainable, quality
                                            each other grow and solve everyday issues
                                            with the bigger picture of yours and the   of life communities
                                                                               anchored by
                                            community’s success always in mind.  strong business.
                                                I am honored to join this beautiful
                                            association of people especially as the   Sincerely,
                                            Chamber celebrates 65 years in 2025! I   Jennifer Reep
                                            grew up in the Lakewood community of   President and CEO
                                            Cramerton where my husband Thad and I   704-825-5307 x100
                                            have lived for 15 years. 

            Investing in education is a priority for
           CaroMont Health as it opens the doors of   Celebrating 65 Years! Montcross Area Chamber
          the brand new CaroMont Regional Medical   The Montcross Area Chamber’s roots date to 1937 with the Belmont Merchant’s Association,
            Center – adjacent to Belmont Abbey
           College. Partnerships with Gaston County   which converted to a chamber of commerce in 1960. With membership growing beyond Gaston
                                               County, the Belmont Chamber of Commerce, Inc. began doing business as the Montcross Area
            Schools, Gaston College, and Belmont
                                               Chamber in 2009. The name comes from the Montcross retail, commercial and residential
            Abbey College have led to advanced
          degrees in healthcare, experiential learning   project developing along Interstate 85 and Highway 74 in eastern Gaston County.
            opportunities and a thriving workforce
              pipeline. Read more on page 37.                                                                              3
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