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the city’s cultural hub, to immerse yourself   Perry, Georgia’s Taste of
                                            in the works of local artists. Or take a
                                            trip to the Georgia Artisan Center to find   Southern: Eat, Drink, Bid
                                            handcrafted, Georgia Grown goodies or a   This red-carpet event is held the
      Perry United Methodist Church
                                            piece of local art all your own.    Thursday after Thanksgiving every year
            Enjoy down-home cooking, such as      Annual Events                 and kicks off the holiday season. Attendees
        fried chicken and collard greens, or cozy                               enjoy regional specialties while also
        up at a corner café with a cup of coffee   •  January                   discovering new flavors and new friends
        and the soup du’ jour. The area’s many   New Year’s Eve Buzzard Drop    from neighboring communities. Along
        local eateries and well-known national   •  February                    with the great food and drinks, the event
        restaurants are sure to satisfy every taste.    Georgia National Rodeo  features one-of-a-kind shopping for the
                                              •  March                          holidays through silent and live auctions.
             Historical Attractions                                             Items include fabulous trips, electronics,
                                               Peaches to the Beaches Antiques and Yard
            Founded in 1822, Perry is steeped   Sale - Second Weekend in March  jewelry, and much, much more.
        in history. Delve deep into the past at
        the Perry Area Historical Museum, which   •  Easter
        houses a variety of artifacts, memorabilia,   Easter Egg Hunt for the Special Needs
        and the Resource Room, which contains   Community at Rozar Park
        family histories and photos.          •  April
            Adventure out on a self-guided     Dogwood Festival
        walking or driving tour to explore many   •  May
        historical stops including the New Perry   May Day Festival and Soap Box Derby
        Hotel, which is listed on the National   •  July
        Register of Historic Sites, or an exhibit   Perry Independence Day Parade and
        honoring retired Senator Sam Nunn at the   Freedom Firewvorks
        historic board of education building. Tour   •  September
        brochures or a mobile tour app will lead   Perry Music Festival
        you through Perry’s past.
                                              •  October
            Arts and Culture                   Georgia National Fair and Oktoberfest
            Perry maintains its small-town charm   •  December
        without sacrificing access to art and   Taste of Southern
        culture. Residents and visitors enjoy local   Christmas at the Crossroads and
        expressions from all types of artists and   Holiday on Carroll  Go Fish Georgia, River Aquarium
        artisans, from the stage to the studio.
        Catch a show at the Community Theater     Farmer’s Market
        where the Perry Players are sure to inspire   Enjoy fresh, local produce and
        and delight with high quality professional   homemade goods and treats on Meeting
        performances. Visit the Perry Arts Center,   Street, Saturdays from May to September.

 Community Living                                                                                                   Community Living

 18  Perry Area Chamber of Commerce • (478) 987-1234 •  Perry Area Chamber of Commerce • (478) 987-1234 •  19
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