Page 24 - Perry CG 2019
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In addition, our Board was named an   State Chorus and 11 students were chosen
                                                                                                                                                                   Exemplary School Board for the third year   for All-State Band.
                                                                                                                                                                   by the Georgia School Boards Association.  •   We win many athletic state championships.
                                                                                                                            Middle Georgia State University                                               Most recently we’ve had state
                                                                                                                                                                   Our employees and students win many
                                                                                                                                                                   national and state awards:             championships in basketball, track and
                                                                                accreditation through the Southern             system-wide facilities improvements over a                                 field, wrestling, and adaptive sports.
                                                                                Association of Colleges and Schools            five-year period, 2017-2022.          •   All five of our high schools were named   In the years to come, the Houston
                                                                                Council on Accreditation and School                Every year, Houston County schools   Advanced Placement Honor Schools by   County School System expects continued
                                                                                Improvement. This means that the system        reach new levels of achievement. The 2018   the GaDOE. Our schools are represented   improvement and will work hard to ensure
                                                                                and all 38 campuses are accredited, and        Georgia Milestones Assessment System   in five categories: AP STEM Schools, AP   students are motivated to achieve success.
                                                                                that Houston County is recognized across       scores show our students continue to   STEM Achievement Schools, AP Humanities
                                                                                the nation as a district that has sustained    outperform the state and make gains.   Schools, AP Merit Schools and AP Access   Houston County Board of Education
                                                                                an exemplary commitment to continuous          Several schools had a 100 percent passing   and Support Schools.           1100 Main St.,
             Perry STEM Students                                                improvement and learner outcomes for           rate on the Georgia Alternate Assessment,   •   Hilltop Elementary was chosen as an   Perry, GA 31069
                                                                                the benefit of its students. The current       which is given to special education    inaugural Georgia Military Flagship School
            Perry Proud of...                                                   accreditation is valid through 2024,           students with the most significant cognitive   for its supportive environment of military   (478) 988-6200
                                                                                with annual reviews.                           disabilities. The 2018 School Climate Star   students and families. Hilltop is one of only
           Education                                                            eight middle schools, five high schools and    Ratings, based on surveys by staff, parents,   •   Seven of our elementary schools were          Private Education
                                                                                                                                                                      six schools in the state to be recognized.
                                                                                   The system has 23 elementary schools,
                                                                                                                               and students, showed that most of our
                                                                                a career academy with the primary goal         schools earned 4 or 5 stars, an above-  named Title 1 Reward Schools
                                                                                to ensure a viable 21st century workforce      average score. This rating is on school   by the GaDOE.                     The Westfield School
                                                                                for Houston County. An alternative school      climate, discipline, safe, drug-free learning   •   Three of our schools have earned STEM   Providing meaningful instruction
                        erry officials, citizens and educators take pride in assuring every   in Houston County also serves secondary   environments, and attendance. For the   certification from the GaDOE.  that inspires students to learn and to
                        student receives a quality education. More than 89 percent of   students. These schools embrace innovative   ninth consecutive year, 100 percent of   •   Two schools were named Georgia STEM   think through problems within a global
                   P residents have a high school education or higher, which is above the   teaching methods and technologies so that   our teachers and paraprofessionals were   Teams of the Year at the Georgia NASA   context is what The Westfield School
                    state average. From Pre-K through high school and onto regional colleges   students have the tools necessary to fulfill   deemed Highly Qualified by the Georgia   STEM Conference.  strives to achieve in preparing students
                    and universities, learning is a lifelong pursuit in Middle Georgia.  their potential.                      Department of Education (GaDOE).      •   In 2019, 56 students were selected for All   for the future. Westfield is a Pre K-12,
                                                                                   In 2016, Houston County citizens
                          Houston County Schools                                voted to extend an education special
                                                                                purpose local option sales tax (E-SPLOST).
                       The many honors granted to the Houston County School System prove   This vote earmarks specific tax monies
                    it to be an ideal place for students to become engaged and enthusiastic   for the Board of Education to provide the
                    about their education. The district’s mission “to produce high-achieving   latest technology for students and teachers,
                    students” motivates our educators to teach with passion in the classroom,   as well as ensure safer, more up-to-date
                    while state accreditation has verified that their ways are effective.  facilities. The one-percent sales tax will
                       Since 2009, the system has been district accredited by the AdvancED   fund a new elementary school, technology,
                    Accreditation Commission, the national commission that confers   and safety and security, in addition to

     Education                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Education

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