Page 15 - Richmond Co NCG 2019
P. 15


        GOVERNMENT                            Town of Hoffman                      Tax Administrator
                                                                                   Vagas Jackson
                                              Hoffman Town Hall
                                                                                   1401 Fayetteville Rd.
                                              2176 Caddell Rd., Hoffman, NC 28347
                                              P.O. Box 145                         P.O. Box 1644
          STAY IN THE KNOW                    910.281.3606                         Rockingham, NC 28380
          BY KNOWING THOSE                              Tax Collector
          WHO SERVE                           Mayor: Tommy H. Hart                 Michelle Holden
                                                Council: Daniel T. Kelly (Mayor Pro-tem),
                                              Ricardo Anderson, Rory K. Jones,     1401 Fayetteville Rd.
        MUNICIPALITIES                        Cynthia Northcutt, John Taylor       P.O. Box 1644
          City of Rockingham                  Town Clerk: Maggie Bethea            Rockingham, NC 28380
          Rockingham City Hall                                                     910.997.8272
          514 Rockingham Rd., Rockingham, NC 28379   Town of Norman
          910.997.5546                        Norman Town Hall                   U.S. SENATORS
                    104 Town Hall St., Norman, NC 28367   Richard Burr (R)
          Mayor: Steven Morris                910.652.3620                         217 Russell Senate Office Building
            Council: John P. Hutchinson (Mayor Pro   Mayor: Kenneth Broadway       Washington, DC 20510
          Tem), C. Bennett Deane III, A. Eugene     Council: Stephen Cranford (Mayor Pro-tem),   202.224.3154
          Willard, Denise Sullivan, Anne M. Edwards  Cynthia Watkins, Tonia Collins
          City Manager: Monty R. Crump        Town Clerk: Glenda McInnis           Thom Tillis (R)
          City Clerk: Sabrina Y. McDonald                                          185 Dirksen Senate Office Building
          City of Hamlet                     RICHMOND COUNTY                       Washington, DC 20510
                                              The Richmond County Board is composed   202.224.6342
          Hamlet City Hall
          201 W. Main St., Hamlet, NC 28345  of seven elected members serving four-
          910.582.2651                       year terms. The Board of Commissioners
                        holds meetings that are open to the public   U.S. REPRESENTATIVE, 9TH
          Mayor: William E. Bayless          on the first Tuesday of every month in the   CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT
            Council: Johnathan Buie (Mayor Pro-tem),   Richmond County Judicial Center.  Vacant pending special election in Fall 2019
          Eddie Martin, Jesse McQueen,
          Wendy Massagee                       Clerk to the Board of County      STATE GOVERNMENT
            City Clerk and Zoning Coordinator:   Commissioners                     Governor Roy Cooper
          Gail Strickland                     Dena R. Cook                         North Carolina Office of the Governor
          Town of Dobbins Heights             1401 Fayetteville Rd.                20301 Mail Service Center
                                              P.O. Box 504, 28380                  Raleigh, NC 27699
          Dobbins Heights Town Hall                                                919.814.2000
            172 Earle Franklin Dr.            Rockingham, NC 28379       
          Dobbins Heights, NC 28345           910.417.4916
          P.O. Box 151                         Board of County                     Lt. Governor Dan Forest
          910.582.6002                        Commissioners                        310 N. Blount St., Raleigh, NC 27603
                  Chairman: Kenneth Robinette          919.814.3680
          Mayor: Antonio Blue                                            
            Council: Tyre L. Holloway         Vice-Chairman: John Garner           State Senator
          (Mayor Pro-tem), Mary Ann Gibson,     Commissioners: Tavares Bostic,     Tom McInnis (R), District 25
          Angelina K. David, Barbara Young    Don Bryant, Jimmy Capps,             NC Senate
          Town Clerk: Regina Hamilton         Ben Moss Jr., Rick Watkins           300 N. Salisbury St., Room 620
          Town of Ellerbe                     Sheriff                              Raleigh, NC 27603
                                              James Clemmons                       919.733.5953
          Ellerbe Town Hall
          108 W. Page St., Ellerbe, NC 28338  910.895.3232               
          910.652.6251                        Clerk of Court                       State Representative
                       Vickie Daniels                       Scott Brewer (D), District 66
          Mayor: Roy Lee Berry III            910.419.7400                         NC House of Representatives
            Council: Fred Cloninger, Jean Fletcher,                                300 N. Salisbury St., Room 542
          Archie Robinson, Elsie Freeman,     District Attorney                    Raleigh, NC 27603
          Jeremy McKenzie                     Reece Saunders                       919.733.5823
          Town Clerk: Jane Smith              910.419.7500               

                                  Richmond County Chamber of Commerce  |  910.895.9058  |  13
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