Page 16 - Richmond Co NCG 2019
P. 16




          Opens Simulation

             Learning Center

               National Concerns Spark

              Local Innovation ~by Bonnie Hunter
                                                           Richmond Community College

             he United States is predicted to   dedication to producing prepared and    The Center is in the former Sandhills
             experience a registered nurse    skilled nurses for the future through    Regional Medical Center facility next to
             shortage if individuals currently    its Associate Degree Nursing program.    the RCC campus in Hamlet. An area of
        T facing retirement are not         The program recently expanded student   that building was remodeled to look like an
        replaced with newly trained nurses.   access to experiential training with the   acute care hospital wing. RCC funded the
        Richmond Community College (RCC) is   opening of the RCC Simulation Learning    remodel and the simulation technology in
        combating this possible crisis with increased   Center (SLC).            collaboration with Golden Leaf Foundation
                                                                                 and FirstHealth of the Carolinas.
                                                                                   Sharonda Sturm, a member of RCC’s
                                                                                 nursing faculty, serves as Simulation
                                                                                 Facilitator for the SLC. Sturm believes
                                                                                 the impact of the SLC reaches beyond
                                                                                 nursing and healthcare. “It gives our
                                                                                 workforce community an edge by creating
                                                                                 a stronger candidate.”
                                                                                   The program encourages professionalism
                                                                                 and improves communication skills, while
                                                                                 continuing to assert the importance of
                                                                                 traditional clinical training. This project is
                                                                                 an example of how potential deficiency can
                                                                                 become an opportunity for innovation.

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