Page 22 - Rome CM 2025
P. 22

Inside at

                       Battey                                Business


                  he Northwest Regional Hospital had a commanding

                  presence in Rome, Georgia beginning with its early
         T days as a military hospital – up until it closed in 2011.

           Since then, the 132-acre campus          demolition is expected to begin in 2025.
         has stood vacant, as the 60+ buildings     The current plan is to demolish most of
         slowly deteriorate and the community       the buildings on the site, clearing the land
         mourns, remembering the bustling health    for new development.
         facility that previously employed more       “We plan to keep the Chapel, the open-
         than 800 people.                           air Pavilion and the Gymnasium, which we
           Numerous plans have been presented       plan to turn into a daycare,” said Missy
         to the State for the use of the facility.   Kendrick, the President of RFCDA. Once
         All were rejected until the Rome Floyd     the structures are removed, the property
         County Development Authority (RFCDA)       can be customized to meet small or large
         approached the State to purchase the       parcels needed by light industry.
         property and turn it into an industrial      The Rome Floyd County Development
         park. With the potential to attract capital   Authority is also working with brandRED
         investment and the opportunity to replace   to produce a documentary of the former
         the jobs that were lost upon the hospital’s   hospital with grant funds received from
         closure, the State agreed to sell to the   the Rome Area Heritage Foundation. “We
         Authority in February 2022. The site was   are grateful to the many citizens that
         renamed the Battey Business Complex        gave their time and efforts to the hospital
         to honor one of the local physicians who   and for the significant impact they had on
         pioneered medical procedures critical to   our community," said Michelle Phillips, the
         women’s health.                            Project Analyst for the RFCDA.
           Upon acquiring the property,               Once Battey Business Complex
         the Authority began environmental          is complete, new jobs and capital
         assessments and learned that there         investment will turn the once thriving
         were great quantities of asbestos and      site back into an employment center
         lead paint. To remediate the hazardous     that will make the community proud. The
         materials and demolish the buildings, the   community could begin to see some
         RFCDA received three grants, totaling      changes taking place as early as
         $7.66 million and remediation and          January 2025.

       20     Around the Hills     (706) 291-7663
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