Page 35 - Summerville NCG 2018
P. 35

assurance review, District Four and all its schools
        are fully accredited by AdvancED, a global leader in   Training Tomorrow's
        research-based school accreditation.
           With highly qualified teachers and a nurturing
        and secure learning environment, Dorchester School      Workforce
        District Four continues to strive for excellence in both
        academics and athletics. The District encourages
        parents and the community to do their part in helping   From Technical Skills to Soft Skills, DCCTC Prepares Future Employees
        to achieve their mission to help students become
        life-long learners who will positively impact the world.
        The Dorchester School District Four motto is,      According to the Charleston Metro      Students who have completed a program
        “Pulling Together.”                  Chamber’s Center for Business Research,   at DCCTC are also able to take advantage of
                                             our region will create nearly 26,000 new jobs   the work-based learning program in which
            Dorchester School District Four  in the next few years. Thanks to Dorchester   they work within their chosen field and
           500 Ridge Street                  County Career & Technology Center   simultaneously earn high school credit and a
           St. George, SC 29477              (DCCTC), the Summerville area will be ready.   salary from their employer.
           (843) 563-4535                       DCCTC has been the public career center
                                                     All of our courses are taught
                                             for Dorchester County since it opened its   “
            Dorchester County                doors in 1974. The Center, now with locations   by instructors who come
           Career & Technology Center        in Summerville and in St. George, is open to   directly from the industry in
           507 School House Road             all county high school students and offers 18   which they teach. That means
           Dorchester, SC 29437              programs designed to enable students to enter
           (843) 563-2361                    the workforce or pursue a college degree with   latest industry trends and have
                          the distinct advantages of hands-on training   contacts within the industry.
                                             and certification.
                                                                                    they are up-to-date on the  “
            Odyssey Educational Center –        “Our courses are quite detailed,” said   Jennifer Quattlebaum
           Jenkins Hill Campus               Jennifer Quattlebaum, communications    Communications Manager, DCCTC
           145 Hill Street                   manager at DCCTC. “Many of our students
           Harleyville, SC 29448             complete a program and go directly into the      The student success rate at DCCTC is
           (843) 462-2270                                                       high and extends beyond the high school
                                             workforce equipped with all the necessary   graduation rate. Research shows that within
        Private Schools                      skills, while others use their coursework as   18 months of graduation, 98 percent of
           For those parents who prefer to have   preparation for a two- or four-year degree.”   DCCTC students are working within their
        their children educated in an environment that      Students at DCCTC participate in half-day   field, attending college, or serving in
        integrates their religious beliefs into the curriculum   programs either in the morning or afternoon   the military.
        or focuses on a particular intellectual goal,   and spend the other half of the day at the      DCCTC is proud to be the leading
        Summerville and Dorchester County offer several   high school in which they are enrolled. The   career school in the area and is preparing
        private schools. Please refer to the “Schools”   training includes technical skills taught by
        category of the Chamber’s online business   highly trained instructors, as well as “soft   tomorrow’s workforce today by bridging the
        directory for those schools that are members of   skills” such as punctuality, responsibility, and   gap between highly skilled jobs and a
        the Chamber.                         work ethic.                        qualified workforce.                 ~by Dana Brown

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