Page 6 - Vidalia VG 2022
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Onion Eating Contest
                                 4th of July Celebration
                               Outdoor evening concert followed
                               by a spectacular fireworks show
                               that has become one of the area’s
                               favorite events. Fun for the whole
                               family with kid’s activities and food
                               vendors. Admission at gate.
                               912-538-8687 •

                                 October Events in Downtown
         Vidalia               As cooler weather sweeps in, enjoy
                               Scarecrows ‘Round Downtown. Take
            EVENTS             a selfie with your favorite characters
                               created by local businesses. On
                               Thursday before Halloween, join us
                               on the Spooktacular Trail in down-
         Vidalia Onion Festival  town for trick or treating and more.
      A celebration of the harvest   912-537-8033
      of Georgia’s Official State
      Vegetable, the internationally   Chocolate Walk
      known Vidalia Onion. Events   Purchase a ticket in advance, pick
      include a children’s parade   up a list & shopping bag, visit
      and outdoor movie, street   participating businesses for a
      dance and fireworks, arts   chocolate delight while exploring
      and crafts, bi-annual air show,   local shops. Discover last minute
      recipe contest and public   Valentine’s Day gifts or leave a hint
      tasting, run, carnival, concert   for your favorite find.
      and more. All events and pre-  Saturday before Valentine’s Day
       festival details on website.  Downtown Vidalia Main Street Office
                               128 Church Street, Vidalia
      912-538-8687             912-537-8033
                                 Savor Vidalia, A Celebration
    CALENDAR OF EVENTS           of Wine, Food & Jazz
                               A wine tasting and catered food
      January - June           pairing event with live jazz music.
     • Chocolate Walk          Advance tickets required.
     • Sweeten Your Ride       912-538-8687 •
     • Vidalia Onion Festival
     • Brighten Up Vidalia       Holiday Events

      July – December          Shop small on Pink Friday, Black
                               Friday and Small Business Saturday.
     • Vidalia 4th of July Celebration  The sales and events continue thru
     • 9/11 Memorial Event     Christmas downtown and in our
     • Savor Vidalia, A Celebration    local shops. Join the celebration at
      of Wine, Food & Jazz     the City Tree Lighting on Tuesday
     • Scarecrows ‘Round Downtown  after Thanksgiving in City Park, and
     • Spooktacular Fall Festival  at the Christmas Parade on the
     • Veterans Appreciation   first Saturday in December. See a
      Program                  Christmas movie at the Pal Theatre
     • Christmas Parade and    and check the Pal website for live
       Tree Lighting           events and art exhibits.
                               Downtown Vidalia Association on Facebook,
     Please check our full calendar at   912-537-8033 and on Facebook

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