Page 13 - Wilkes County NCG 2024
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Whippoorwill Academy & Village

                    ARTS, CULTURE & HISTORY

                    Regional Center for Entertainment

                                                                                   Whippoorwill Academy & Village
        E     arly German and Scots-Irish   military history, industry, agriculture, medicine,     offers group tours of 15 people or more by
              settlers brought to the Appalachian
                                            communication, education, entertainment,
              Mountains farming, religion, music,
                                            and transportation.
                                                                                appointment for folks looking to get a glimpse
        and crafts which are highly celebrated today   The Blue Ridge Music Hall of Fame   at the old ways of Blue Ridge Mountains life.
        in our many festivals and cultural offerings.   showcases and preserves the rich musical   The village hosts events including: Daniel
        We continue to diversify as new experiences   heritage of the greater Blue Ridge Mountains   Boone Festival, Tom Dooley and Appalachian
        open and expand.                    with exhibits and an annual celebration of   Culture Festival, Community Egg Hunt on the
                                            inductees. The Hall of Fame is housed in the   Saturday before Easter, James Larkin Pearson
        Museums, Tours & Historic Sites     historic Wilkes County Courthouse.   Poetry Competition, Veterans Day, and a
           Distilling grew from North Carolina’s rich      The free, self-guided Wilkesboro   Scottish Christmas Evening Market. A partner
        agricultural and social history. Auto racing   Architecture Walking Tour stops at 13   with the Blue Ridge Music Trails of North
        came along from the competitions among   buildings that collectively reveal the character   Carolina, Whipporwill Academy & Village is
        moonshiners in the 1930s all the way to   of Wilkesboro as it developed. Each site   open on 3rd Saturdays, April to October.
        today’s NASCAR-fueled industry. The North   serves as an example of the styling and culture      11928 NC Hwy. 268 W., Ferguson, NC 28624
        Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural   of its time. The buildings are within walking      (336) 973-3237 |
        Resources created a Moonshine and   distance, and are included in the National
        Motorsports Trail to highlight this intertwined   Register of Historic Places.
        history. Make an itinerary at:     Wilkes County Courthouse                  Call Family Distillers
        programs-services/moonshine-and-motorsports-trail     100 E. Main St., Wilkesboro, NC 28697
                                               (336) 667-3171 |
           • Visit Call Family Distillers in Wilkesboro
                                               Hutchinson Homestead in Stone Mountain
             – family distilling since 1868 and now run     State Park is replete with a log cabin, barn,
             by the seventh generation of the family.
             The Mash House Bar & Grill hosts   blacksmith shop, corncrib, meat house, and
                                            original furnishings. The farm was built in the
             concerts and the tasting room   mid-19th century and restored to represent the
             offers the moonshine made legendary   lives of early settlers of the Stone Mountain
             by “The Uncatchable” Willie Clay Call.   area. The homestead is open weekends,
          March to October, and visitors may walk the
                                            grounds when the site is not open.
           Housed in the restored 1902 Wilkes County   3042 Frank Pkwy., Roaring Gap, NC 28668
        Courthouse, the Wilkes Heritage Museum      (336) 957-8185
        tells the many stories of early settlement,                                                                     Arts/Culture/History  9
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