Page 23 - Wilmington VG
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twist on classic seafood at Ceviches’ near Brew culture also finds independent
Wrightsville Beach. coffee shops, roasters and tea houses
Beach House Burgers in Kure Beach has ready to complement your caffeine
a low-key exterior but serves up big flavor cravings. Visit one of Drift Coffee &
with burgers, fries and onion rings fresh Kitchen’s many locations for a Bodega
to-go with a side of ocean views at this Breakfast Sandwich. Or choose a muffin
seasonal walk-up. And you’ll want to join or bagel to go with a nitro cold brew
the line of patrons waiting to try the famous Mermaid Magic at Kure Beach’s Happy
porkchops at Freddie’s Restaurant. Hippies Java Hut.
Go hot with specialty burritos at
Flaming Amy’s Burrito Barn, voted “One KID-FRIENDLY EATS
of the 33 Best Burritos in America” by Find bites all palates will enjoy in area
Thrillist, or try the Kick-flip quesadillas at eateries. Benny’s Bigtime Pizzeria is known
Nollie’s Taco Joint. for its open kitchen and wood-burning
pizza ovens. At CheeseSmith, order a
CHEERS TO BREWS & FOOD classic American grilled cheese sandwich
Pub-style to inventive cuisines are on the or branch out to artisanal sandwiches
menu at several area breweries, allowing featuring a variety of cheese and toppings
you to wash it down with their brand of like house-made tomato jam.
suds. Front Street Brewery, Wilmington’s Enjoy a casual family dinner on the
original restaurant and brewery, offers second-story Admirals Deck at Shark
delish appetizers like their famous pulled Bar and Kitchen or take in scenic views
chicken nachos, lunch and dinner. Or order of Banks Channel while enjoying a
a plate of schnitzel, spaetzle, sausages, sunset meal at South Beach Grill in
even “Beyond Sausage” for vegetarians Wrightsville Beach.
at the friendly German Prost Biergarten. Satisfy your sweet tooth with an Italian
Wrightsville Beach Brewery spreads the gelato from GelaRto on the Riverwalk or
coastal vibe with local-caught oysters and experience a new twist to the cupcake
signature items like fried oyster bites or concept at The Peppered Cupcake. Cool
crab cake pizza. off in Carolina Beach with Irish-style ice
WilmingtonNCV • 866-534-0845