Page 29 - Wilmington VG
P. 29
TOURS & CRUISES – See famous film and nearly five-mile trail that skirts the lake,
TV locations on guided and self-guided then treat yourself to waterside concerts of
tours or savor the flavors of the Wilmington national and regional artists at Greenfield
Ale Trail. Embrace the cool breezes and fall Lake Amphitheater.
colors on a sunset sailing cruise or get a
thrill on a haunted pub crawl. AC TIVE LIFEST YLE & WELLNESS
YOGA – Stretch your comfort zone in yoga
NATURE OUTINGS – Embark on an classes set in picturesque settings such
informative river cruise crafted to showcase as oceanfront on the Crystal Pier, seaside
natural coastal wonders and wildlife, in Kure Beach, riverfront on Battleship
swamp forests and other extraordinary NORTH CAROLINA or in Airlie Gardens.
habitats. Zeke’s Island, on the North
Carolina coast, can be reached solely by STANDUP PADDLEBOARDING – Make
boat or kayak. Set out on a guided tour the most of a visit to one of the top SUP
and paddle your way here or at Carolina hubs in the U.S. with a lesson from the pros
Beach State Park to see the everchanging or explore area waterways on a guided
landscapes and awe-inspiring wildlife of tour. Fewer crowds after summer make this
these ecological treasures. Or, discover sport even more appealing.
Masonboro Island Reserve; at 8.4 miles in RIVER TO SEA BIKEWAY – This 11-mile
length, it is the longest undisturbed barrier route stretching from Wilmington to
island in southern North Carolina. Only Wrightsville Beach offers a scenic journey
accessible by boat, kayak or canoe, it’s an for cyclists as it seamlessly transitions
ideal habitat for birds, fish, invertebrates
and sea turtles. between on-road and off-road sections.
GOLF – Perfect your swing at one of several
FORT FISHER STATE RECREATION AREA area golf courses. Golf in Wilmington can
– Enjoy six miles of protected shoreline
spanning the ocean and river. Hike be played nearly year-round.
maritime forest trails past a WWII bunker For ways to enjoy Wilmington and
to an observation deck with an uninhibited Island Beaches year-round, please visit
water view. Cruise along the beach with
four-wheel drive, allowed with permit. things-to-do.
WilmingtonNCV • 866-534-0845