Page 34 - Wilmington VG
P. 34
Out & About
Wilmington is home to vibrant neighborhoods, each with its own
character and distinct vibe. Find dynamic arts and culture, hip coffee
shops, stores full of vintage wares and locally owned restaurants and
bars tucked into our unique and historic neighborhoods.
A breathtaking view of the Cape Fear Immerse in Wilmington’s rich history
River and the WWII Battleship NORTH on a guided, self-guided or horse-
CAROLINA from the two-mile Riverwalk drawn carriage tour of downtown’s
enhances your experience as you visit 230+ block National Register Historic
the markets, boutiques, restaurants District. Explore Colonial life at the
and more in our downtown River Burgwin-Wright House and Gardens, or
District. Come for a taste adventure at visit Bellamy Mansion Museum, built on
restaurants that offer fresh local seafood the eve of the Civil War. It boasts Greek
to lively dishes from south of the Revival, Neoclassical and Italianate
border. Enjoy concerts by national acts architectural elements. One of the finest
at Live Oak Bank Pavilion, the scenic examples of Victorian-era architecture
amphitheater at Riverfront Park. Browse is Latimer House, with tales of three
the array of wares in historic commercial Latimer generations.
buildings at Chandler’s Wharf and
The Cotton Exchange or seek out the BROOKLYN ARTS DISTRICT
unusual at Black Cat Shoppe or Edge Anchored by the circa 1817
of Urge. Brooklyn Arts Center, this arts-filled
34 WilmingtonNCV • 866-534-0845