Page 39 - Wilmington VG 2024
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                                                  BELLAMY MANSION MUSEUM

      •   WilmingtonNColor Tours offers tours
        by advance registration.

               19 4 0 - 19 7 0                      BURGWIN-WRIGHT HOUSE
                                                             AND GARDENS
                   MID-20TH CENTURY
                     The Wilmington
                   shipyard built 243 ships   housing a small WWII home-front
                   in the 1940s. Preservation   heritage museum.
                   of WWII heritage saw   •   Come for seasonal events aboard the
                   Wilmington named the    Battleship NORTH CAROLINA.
      first city in the U.S. as an “American World   •   Book a special tour to explore rarely
      War II Heritage City.”               seen sections of the ship.
           The city is home to Battleship NORTH
      CAROLINA, one of the most decorated   HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE
      battleships of her time. Explore nine      Homes and commercial buildings
      decks of the restored WWII-era battleship.   alike exude character in Wilmington,
      The half-mile SECU Memorial Walkway   ranging from late 1700s through early
      around the Battleship honors each branch   1900s styles as varied as Colonial
      of the military. Or visit one of the only   Revival, Queen Anne, Italianate,
      remaining USO buildings still standing,   Victorian and Craftsman.
                    WilmingtonNCV • 866-534-0845
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